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heartattack completed Peklo

1 day ago

kirbb commented on kirbb's review of Castlevania Judgment
@CritClaws a good amount of people seem to be out for blood when it comes to this game even though like we both said there's a lot worse Castlevania can do than this, I guess it was understandable at the time since this was when Castlevania was beginning to stop the 2D platformer/exploration approach and this could have been seen as a betrayal of tradition ((even though the Lords of Shadows games are that as well yet more people seem to be fine with that) to be fair I haven't played those ones so I can't judge) but I don't know I still see Castlevania fans complaining about Judgment to this day so I'm guessing either they're over exaggerating that it's not like the others or they didn't played the game and instead read or watched a review about how it sucks and decided to hop on the bandwagon

1 day ago

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