659 Reviews liked by SugoiBoi

lebkuchen i dont know how to pronounce ur name but id die for you

Is the bar so low on gaming that a game still full of bugs and a shallow open world is somehow considered fixed and a great comeback?

This expansion is a bit better than the base game overall only because you dont have to deal with the lifeless world of night city as much.
Since dogtown is very small i wasnt annoyed by the lifeless npcs, the almost empty cities and the clunky driving.

I Love My Horsey And My Horsey Love Me

Comfiest game ive played in a while.
Nothing is really urgent here, the time limit is so big that you really dont feel pressured.
Another thing i really liked is how town requests really dont punish you. Marie only loses a little rep (which is easily recoverable) and thats it.
people say its bad for being a short game but i really love how it doesnt overstay its welcome.

Theres something really good here that made it so fun and addictive for me.
Also, legendary duo ending is so cute!!!!! <3

I was going to play more of this but honestly it's so abysmal I can't be bothered. I will give KID credit that this game is almost impossible to port by PS2 era Sony standards, but goddamn the new sections added to replace the sex scenes etc are so bad. They didn't even manage to copy the Showa-reminiscent orthography of the original game, much less the maintain the same quality of prose. The Yura flashbacks not only ruin Yura as a character (which she wasn't much of a deep character to begin with!) but they also spoil the fucking story.

With both the remake and this version being JP only, and both adding extra routes for fanservice, just play the remake, I can't imagine it's worse than this terrible port. KID really earning its reputation as a shovelware VN company with this garbaggio game.

RF4 is genuinely really good and is one of the most fun RPGs I've played in a good minute, but the Rune Prana dungeon at the very tail end is a gigantic ass wall that I genuinely have zero desire trying to go over right now so I dont think I'll "finish" this game for real anytime soon

probably the best thing to be inspired by gackt and the pillows since 2004

being able to change the main character's accent was the best part, shame about the rest of the game.

THIS is how you remake a game. Not that doggy ass washed up $210 three part cash grab worse than the original in all the important ways by Square Enix (FF7R)

I am surprised by how good this game is! Fushimi Tsukasa did a great job as he understood the appeal of 1st Vision era. This game is a raising simulation game like the past idolmaster games. You play as a producer and you help raise stats of the idols and communicate with them. What I like about this game as the language barrier is probably the easiest imas game for Japanese learners as it's takes place in a school setting. That means that there is no technical showbiz or business language plus it's fully voiced. I highly recommend this game for people that are learning Japanese.

We are so fucking back. Fushimi Tsukasa is a hero

If I was the last Japanese soldier, than who was driving the truck!?