awesome combat, but it gets pretty fuckin weird at some points. i welcome it, but i just wasnt expecting it
also the voice acting is so unintentionally funny its great

i thought this was a funny series why did it get so real in the last few chapters

i remember playing this game so long ago and almost beating it in 2 hrs. i thought i was a beast
yea its pretty mid overall

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this game's story mode fuckin rocks, way more than i expected it to
that part where jin's theme from tekken 3 started playing gave me chills!!!! and THEN I GOT TO PLAY AS TEKKEN 3 JIN OH MY GOD I NEED MORE

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short and sweet!
loved both characters!!! but why did sonon have to die???!?!! really wish he was here to stay :(

i mean yeah
with 96 tracks, and so many characters and vehicle customisation, how can you say this is a bad game
DLC really pushed this game higher than it already was
fun time :)

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its literally everything i couldve asked for and more
idek if ill be able to go back to botw
I finally beat this game after dropping it about 2 months ago?
That ending was so epic and insane, especially the UI changing during that final boss fight with ganondorf (the hp bar going almost off screen)
Overall, probably overtaking BOTW as my GOAT game

game was glitchy and janky as hell, but i still had a LOT of fun
i was just playing this game non stop when i first got it
havent played much of the dlc's but will defo get to that in due time

i had fun, but i was playing too much tekken that it messed with my brain that the buttons weren't lateral based
if VF6 does happen soon, ill probs pick it up to actually invest some time into it and learn the game more

man i LOVED this game
the atmosphere, the sound design, the absolute horror of it all
its incredible
I NEED to replay this game, its simply a wonderful time

I fucking LOVED this!!!
My first monhun game and it was a blast!! the weapons were so diverse, the monsters are so well designed and the fights are just so effortlessly bombastic
Really REALLY wanna try sunbreak and World before Wilds comes out
Overall, all love to this game!!!

i really wish i could get into this game, but im really not that creative
i get so jealous when i see other people's island designs
I'll try my hand at this game some other time

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Coming from Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, it did take a while for me to get used to the combat of the Dragon Engine. However, it was pretty fun after an hour or two (I LOVE RAGDOLLS).
Story wise I loved it. Ryuji is such an awesome fuckin villain.
I really wish he comes back for a future game but it might be too late for that.
My only question is that ending lmaoo. Why use a SiM song while Kiryu and Kaoru makeout?
Overall, very very fun time.

way better with friends
tried to play this by myself and kinda reminded me of how lonely i can get

How do games like this get made
and by such small teams too
Such a wonderful little game