Played it for like 5 minutes.

Sucked almost as much as the movie it was based on.


This game was miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid.

What if Smash but bad.

Only enjoyment factor came from recognizing these characters and seeing them interact. It could be fun at times but I will probably never play it again.

I remember it being pretty repetitive and kinda tedious. I don't actually think I ever made it out of the earth.

I was never a massive Scooby-Doo fan but this game had its charm.

I really enjoyed it growing up but I don't think I ever beat it, want to do it someday.

Transformers: The Game more like Transformers: The Lame lol gotem

This is one of the only games I remember ever playing on a PS1 and I just now remembered I did play it.

It was fucking awesome, most fever dream game I ever played.

It was fun. These little bastards never failed to make me laugh even if at first I didn't even know what the fuck I was supposed to do.

This game really makes you feel like Marvel

All I remember about this game is that I lost it and instead left GTA Liberty City Stories inside its case. So whenever I wanted to play that I would just look for Justice League Heroes.

Other than that...Well.

I mean...There's some fun to be had with hearing and seeing these classic characters interact but....I rather play Super Mario Kart than this.

One of my favorite platformers growing up.

Admittedly, I don't remember much about this game other than what I've seen in reviews on YouTube and stuff.

I remember I really enjoyed playing it tho and I actually got pretty far until I decided to drop it for some reason.

Will probably revisit it some day, hopefully they make a remake of this one as well.

Driving around causing mayhem as the Simpsons, with wacky vehicles and funny costumes while exploring all of Springfield was the best part of the game.

Not my favorite Simpsons game, but one I remember fondly.