I like Metroid, so I wanted to give this one a shot...And that's about it, I tried.

Really good. I loved the part where I exited the game and played something else.

It's a great compilation of all the classic Mario games and these games are still pretty good!

The only thing bringing it down for me is the fact that most of these games look way too similar now. I get they were trying to maintain a more consistent look for Mario around this time; but they kinda stripped these games away of their original personality by giving most of them pretty much the same art style.

I tried to play this as a kid before knowing what Mario Kart even was and I just couldn't do it.

I know it's the first one and I'm glad some people had fun with this growing up but...I just can't.

I tried to get into Kirby, but it's not my thing.

Fun for children and that's about it.

I wish someone made a Tetris, but with pills...

I tried to revisit this one a couple of years back but it was kinda hard to get into after playing Returns and Tropical Freeze.

It's a fun game but definitely harder than I am used to for platformers, even the newer DKC titles. Will probably play the whole thing some day alongside the other two games in the original trilogy.

For some reason, my uncle insisted that I played this game with a PS2 controller and I could not understand why.

Then I realized I was playing an illegal NES and SNES collection of games on the PS2 and it all made sense. Game was unplayable tho so like what was even the point?

10/10 Give Yoshi a gun more often.

Why did they make three different 'Mario's Early Years' games? Were they stupid?

Only giving it half a star more than fun with numbers cuz numbers are hella lame.

I give it 1 star out 5; because I do not remember in what order 2, 4 and 3 are supposed to be and which one is supposed to be greater than the other.

I had to look up the name of this game on Wikipedia because I remember trying to play it at some point, but could not for the life of me remember the name.

It's probably a masterpiece idk; I don't remember a damn thing about it.

I really like some of the things this game does. The writing is great and I love how despite everything, these characters still behave and react like actual children to whatever crazy nonsense the game throws at you.

I really don't like the traditional battle system, and it's one of the main reasons I dropped it, but I really want to give it another shot when I'm in the right mood.

It's a fine game, but definitely hard to get into after playing all of the other better Mario RPGs.

I don't want to say I'll never pick it up again, but considering the remake exists now, it is highly unlikely.