The nerve to release this game on the same console as Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze TWICE. It's just embarrassing.



They just don't give a shit anymore, do they?

This game simply has nothing to offer. Yeah, it can be fun to play with friends, but there is so little content that it's not even worth it.

- Only three dream events, one of them has nothing to do with Mario or Sonic (These used to be the whole point of these games).
- Story mode is just whatever.
- Characters exclusive to specific events...WHY?!
- The alternate retro events gimmick doesn't even cover a quarter of all the events in the whole game, and you can't play said retro events with all the characters, only SOME of them. This makes sense for certain characters I guess...but then..........WHY DO IT AT ALL IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FULLY COMMIT TO THE IDEA?!
- Zavok is in the game.

This game sucks, just stop making them if you are not gonna put any effort into this shit. It's not like anyone cares that much anyway.

Only reason I got this one was because my sisters love Just Dance. 4 stars only for that one night when my sister danced to every single song of the base game.

I on the other hand, still get 0 bitches.

I respect this game for what is trying to do, and I really enjoy exploring these levels while also trying to progress as fast as I can.

I feel like this game's biggest flaw is that some of these levels can get really confusing and without a clear route, which really fucks up the pacing that an ideal Sonic game should have. As a consequence of this, some of these levels can drag on for way longer than they should, making clearing them feel more of a chore when you have been stuck for like 5 to 8 minutes still without being able to see the goal.

I stopped playing because I didn't know how to get past that desert/cowboy level full of botomless pits I think. I've been playing other stuff and I simply haven't sat down to finish it.

Cool expansion!

However, I must give this DLC, mere 3 stars out of 5. Simply because it pretty much retconned my beloved Cassie Cage out of existence, and that simply won't do.

Oh shit! I forgot about this game!

I love Mortal Kombat, so I had to play this one....even if...on the Switch...

However, this version of the game still gets the job done surprisingly enough. The loading screens before matches will sometimes take a bit too long, the krypt is nearly unplayable whenever you are doing anything that isn't walking around and the game looks like shit.

Other than that, the game is still very fun and runs just fine so you kinda get used to the poor graphics quality. As for the game itself, well...Idk, I'm not a fighting games guy, but it's Mortal Kombat so I enjoyed it.

It's hype and I love playing it with friends and performing Mercy on each other. I get those more consistently than actual fatalities at least.

This is the best 2D platformer on the Switch...And it isn't even exclusive to the Switch.

Game looks good, it plays good, music is great, character abilities are fun, it has co-op, it is challenging.

Most importantly, this game might be limited to 2 dimensions, but that doesn't mean it limits itself when it comes to creativity. The level design in this game is so fantastic and dynamic; every level feels different, every level brings something new and exciting to the table, no obstacle is there just cuz, everything is carefully crafted to make this one of the best 2D platformers of all time.

If you haven't played this game yet you are losing, you are losing in life. What are you doing? What are you thinking? What is wrong with you? Play this, play this now...Not tomorrow or next month, NOW!!!

5 Donkeys out of Kong.

I like this game! My only problem with it is that people don't ever want to play it with me over Mario Kart.

That's not really a problem with the game tho, it's just a problem with people. I hate people.

I don't know what else I can say about this, really.

Just more Half-Life 2 with maybe some more exciting moments and set pieces. I really like killing the striders with the weird bomb ball thingy.

UUuuuhh...Yeah that's it, I didn't really grow that attached to these characters, so the cliffhanger ending didn't make me lose any sleep. Although maybe that is just because I know that we will never get a Half-Life 3, so I just don't give a shit about the story.

Yeah I mean...It's just more Half-Life 2 and nothing more I guess?

It's just a continuation of the story and yeah, it still is fun to play. I just don't understand why they needed to make this one so short, and why not just make a longer part 2 and call it Half-Life 2: Part Two or something...Because these Episode One and Two titles are so fucking confusing I swear to god.

Gameplay speaking, I think Half-Life 2 is a better game than the first one. Everything just feels smoother, better and the gravity gun is really fun to abuse.

However, in terms of the execution, I think this one is a bit of a step down compared to the first game. Lemme explain.

What I loved about the first game was that feeling of dread, exploring this building that you know a few moments ago, was not in the current state that it is right now. With abandoned and destroyed areas full of corpses and alien creatures lurking around every corner.

I also mentioned in my review that the first game almost feels like a horror game at times, because you are alone, exploring this collapsing facility full of enemies from two different factions that are desperately trying to kill you. The first game was not perfect by any means, it really is a bit dated, but I feel like it nailed this aspect really well...Or at least well enough for me to look past its flaws.

With that said, I don't feel like the sequel really manages to capture that same magic or even surpass it. Sure, it is fun to explore City 17 or the Citadel and don't even get me started on Ravenholm...That whole section is creepy and unsettling as hell! Which, in my opinion makes it the best part of the game.

But...Other than those, I feel like I am not really seeing the full extent of this premise's potential shown to us. You are going to spend the rest of the game walking through sewers and beaches or driving through an empty highway or forest; but these locations don't feel that severely impacted by the alien invasion.

You are mostly going to be fighting against the Combine, which are like the replacement of the soldiers from the first game, and you are not going to see a lot of strange alien monstrosities. The first game had everything! from small disgusting crab creatures to giant unkillable alien beasts that you had to work around in order to survive.

I don't even remember being able to use any weird alien weapons like in the first game. I could be wrong about this, but I remember spending most of my time just using the gravity gun for almost everything.

I mean, you don't even get to revisit Xen in this one. Which is such a massive missed opportunity, considering Xen in the first game was so ugly, rushed and lackluster for what the game was building up to.

Overall, I still give this game 4 stars and a half, simply because it is undeniable that gameplay wise, this game is better in pretty much every aspect to its predecessor. However, I still prefer the first game's execution and overall premise a lot more, even if it is a bit harder to replay nowadays.

It's easier to kill people in real life than in this game!

It's nothing too crazy but yeah, it's fun to play with friends every once in a while whenever they actually visit me.

Same praises that I gave to the first game but I do think this one is better. Better pacing, better cases and some really cool new characters and antagonists.

The story is a lot more interesting here as well, with some interesting twists and answering some loose ends from the first game. The final trial of the last case gets pretty crazy as it is usual with these games.

I also appreciate the focus on giving Susato a little bit more depth as a character and to her relationship with Ryunosuke. Actually, the relationship between those two, Sholmes and Iris is just too cute, love every single one of their interactions.

Loved this one. Perhaps I will replay it some day.