I barely got to play this one tbh, but what I got to play...I thought it was ok.

Then again, I've never played the original so I had no point of comparison. I will replay it some day and actually finish it.

Jill is hot. 3 Residents out of Evil.

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I was never interested in those Dynasty Warriors games at all, but I saw that they made one based on the events of Breath of the Wild pre calamity and I was just too curious.

The main reason I never cared for these games is because they always seemed like all you do is mash buttons and turn off your brain, which doesn't sound engaging or fun at all. After having played this one, I can say that my preconception of this gameplay formula wasn't totally accurate, but it wasn't 100% wrong either (At least when it comes to this game)...

I liked seeing these characters again, and there is definitely some fun to be had with performing combos and destroying these massive hordes of enemies with most of these characters. However, I was not a fan of the approach they took for the story of this game, I thought it was gonna be a re-telling of the story pre BotW, and how the whole fight for Hyrule went down before Link was defeated.

Instead, this game is just a what if scenario, with time travel and a happy ending where nobody actually died and Ganon was defeated for good from the very beginning. And yeah, I liked seeing Mipha meet with future Sidon, or Riju and Urbosa...But was it really worth it to ditch the actual story and make this game not canon just to have moments like those?

But in reality, my biggest issue with this game is just that it is TOO repetitive and tedious. Again, there is only so many times I can mash the Y or X button mindlessly and fight against giant enemies that take like a million hits to die before I get sick of it.

Not only that, but the game constantly will throw you in levels that are just massive areas that you must explore, while constantly move back and forth, between different characters, and all while you are mashing through the same hordes of enemies and giants over...and over....and OVER again.

By the time I was about to reach the end of the game, I was already sick of it! So when the game threw me in another massive map full of giants that would deplete my health like it was nothing, while I had to hit them a million fucking times and half...I just couldn't bother anymore! I just dropped it and watched the ending on YouTube instead.

I guess it isn't a bad game...I just really wasn't a fan of the approach they took with the plot, and I really don't like this gameplay formula. It's fun for a bit, but after you play for 20 minutes you have pretty much experienced the whole game; just tedious and repetitive button mashing and combo spamming for way too long.

If you actually like the Dynasty Warriors games, chances are you will actually enjoy this one...But this ain't for me. I abandoned it, but funnily enough, I didn't learn from my experience; after all...This is not the only Warriors game I'm gonna be talking about.

My friend insisted that I played this as well.

And that's my review!

First and only DMC game I've ever played.

I picked it up, I didn't know what the fuck was even going on, I thought the combat was cool!

Fuck yeah!

I spent like 30 minutes just looking for the one part I remembered about a random Resident Evil game that I played, where you fight Nemesis in like a gas station or something...Since I didn't even know how it was called. Well, it seemed hopeless, but I FOUND IT! I FOUND IT AND IT WAS THIS GAME!

That's it. That's the only thing I'm gonna say about this game.

So the reason I played all of these old PS3 games, is because I went to visit my dad a few years ago, and a family friend lend me his PS3 with a bunch of games he wanted me to try.

This game was one of those, and when he was talking about it he said that it was a cool game because you could create your own custom saiyan character and that it was like Budokai Tenkaichi 3, except with an open world where you could fly freely and I don't know what else...

This is one of the worst fucking games I've ever played, so it's a good thing he wasn't there to see my live reaction to this masterpiece.

Still better than Dragon Ball Z Sagas at the very least...But just slightly.

I should've talked about this game like 3 months ago when I was talking about web browser games but I forgot I even played this.

Uuuuh........I just realized I got nothing to say- FUN GAME I DON'T WATCH ATTACK ON TITAN.

This game fucking sucks! What do people even see in this shit? I don't understand!

The idea sucks, the characters suck, the character designs suck, the abilites suck; is there music? because if there is, it is so generic I can't even rememeber it. The gameplay sucks massive fucking balls too.

Oh! You are telling me whenever I get shot it feels like I get glued to the fucking ground and then I die, to not respawn for another 5 minutes til the round is done? That sounds so fun!!!

I also really adore the shitty abilities like the smoke ball clouds or whatever, that cover my entire view and look so fucking stupid. Or the shitty and laughable dialogue and voice lines between these knock off Overwatch rejects.

It's just so bland, so souless, so shitty and stupid and NOT FUN; it's just Counter Strike for people who play League of Legends for whatever fucking reason. Seriously WHY WOULD YOU PLAY THIS OVER COUNTER STRIKE?! IT'S JUST WORSE IN EVERY WAY!!!

Fuck this game, is the only other game my college friends want to play other than Fortnite. It can suck my entire lunch outta my ass.


I can see why this game was so popular when it came out, but I just thought it was ok.

It's fun! And I really like this weird world and characters they have created. It is cute and charming, I really like how this game looks, how it sounds, some of the missions are pretty fun and unique.

I particularly liked the film studio level, the cat mafia level or the cruise level. I like when these games try to tell a mini story in different parts every time you jump back into a level and the whole layout changes.

My biggest complaint with this game is that, as a platformer...it's just not very challenging. The game will give you plenty of opportunity to fuck things up and your character can spend so much time in the air that it is really hard to mess up jumps.

On top of that, the movement here is solid but it doesn't quite reach the same level of mechanical complexity or sense of flow that some of my favorite 3D platformers do accomplish. That and some of these levels are just too cluttered and/or too big in my opinion, so a lot of these feel a bit longer than they should.

Still a really solid experience and I recommend it. If anything for how charming and unique it still is.

Am I crazy or is this game too hard?

I tried to play it multiple times, with both of my sisters and even once with my cousin who actually plays videogames, but every single time we just got our asses kicked.

Idk if I had the set the difficulty too high or what, but there would always be too many enemies on screen and they would take a LOT of hits before they actually were knocked out.

I legit have not gotten past the first level lol. I wanna give this game another shot, but I don't really like playing beat 'em ups alone.

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It seems like you either love or hate this one. Unfortunately, I think I'm leaning more towards the negative side.

I still like the music and really like the new characters and their different playstyles; I also enjoy the gameplay here on the same level as the first one, but my problem here is that this game drags on for a little bit longer than it should. I don't know, I feel like there is only so many times I can repeat the same gameplay formula before it starts getting old.

Some levels are a bit too long, or too hard...Or both! It's not impossible or anything, but with a game that pretty much asks you to do a "perfect" run on every floor in order to beat a single level...It gets tedious.

But by far, my biggest issue with this game is that...It is just a headache. I wasn't necessarily playing the first one for the story, but it certainly helped to keep me engaged with the game...But here...?

I had no fucking clue what was even going on half of the time, so much so that I had to look for a YouTube video that explained what the full story of this game was. The problem with the story in this one, is that it isn't presented in chronological order, while at the same time, you follow the perspective of multiple characters.

So because of this, it is really hard to follow the thread of things a lot of the time, because you are constantly jumping from character to character, to different time periods and locations...It is kind of a mess. It didn't help that the final level was pretty much like an acid trip; I really had fun playing that level, but man, I was just SO confused by that point lol.

Overall, I guess I would still recommend it if you liked the first one; it's just more Hotline Miami. I don't think I am going to be revisiting this one tho.

I don't think I am a huge fan of this gameplay formula the game is going for, but I still liked the game.

The storyline can be a bit confusing and cryptic at times, but I do certainly enjoy rushing in and trying to kill everyone as quickly as possible without dying.

By far, the best aspect about both this and the sequel is the music, mostly really solid picks that make the gameplay loop so much more fresh and exciting.

Good game! Would probably replay some day, maybe.

It's just a bundle of both Hotline Miami games and nothing more.

It's fine, it gets the job done. I just wish it had any kind of bonus content outside of the games themselves.