Tower of Babel began as a mobile game. An easy to hop into, but ultimately not long-lasting, title meant to quench your thirst for excitement while standing in line for the Wal*Mart deli cheese sticks. It’s simple nature translated well to console buttons, something not many mobile games manage when hopping to the Switch. I’m not sure how easily I could recommend it for a higher price-tag, but the game definitely earns my seal of approval. This won’t be something you revisit time and time again, so maybe it’s better you grab the original mobile version.

Crypt of the Necrodancer doesn’t fit the way that I play games, but I can’t count that against it. Crypt is perfect for short bursts of gameplay, but I prefer long form sessions. I had quite a bit of fun with Crypt, but I moaned and was put off more than I laughed. Crypt of the Necrodancer was on the absolute borderline of getting a good rating, yet it didn’t feel right for me to count it off because it didn’t appeal to my schedule. For, in the end, I do truly enjoy Crypt of the Necrodancer.

Mutant Mudds is one of those games from the past that I feel is best lightly experienced. I found little to no reason to go back, especially in an era where we have dozens of choices if you’re a fan of this type of title. I was disappointed with my experience, but not every game from a company can be great.

If you’ve somehow avoided Thomas Was Alone for all these years, I recommend you try it out. I don’t really see what others do, but I certainly enjoyed my time with it. Everyone who has worked on Thomas Was Alone went on to do bigger and better projects. I personally can’t recommend enough checking into their resumes. I won’t suggest you run after Thomas Was Alone right this second, but if you’re at all interested, give it a good shot.

I really enjoyed my time with Downwell. The small price definitely makes it easier to swallow for anyone who is interested. Even if you only pick up a game or two a month on the eShop, you’ll have quite a few coins saved up, and using them on Downwell is not a bad idea. I’d have preferred things to go a little bit differently, but Downwell is most certainly worth playing in the modern day. I recommend you go search it out if you’ve never played it before. You can’t go wrong with Downwell.

All in all, Bastion is a game that you should experience. In this marathon, I’m looking at the “quintessential” indies of the past. Bastion certainly deserves that title. The price may look threatening, but if you’re a fan of similar titles it is definitely worth your time. I don’t regret the chance I took on Bastion. If you’re on the fence, pick it up during a sale. The game I feel doesn’t play specifically to either keyboard, or controller. So I recommend grabbing it on your platform of choice!


As much as I enjoyed Fez, I don’t understand how people can call this “the best indie game of all time”. I don’t regret my choice going back to it, and I recommend anyone who hasn’t played Fez to check it out. Fez easily earns the score, but I won’t find myself coming back to it any time soon.

I can easily recognize what it was about Runner made it special in 2010. In the modern day, with new standards and sequels, I just couldn’t have fun with this one. I feel like I’ve been super negative, but there’s not much else I have to say about the game. I hope that Choice Provisions never forgets this game, because it makes a lot of mistakes, that future titles can avoid. That’s really the best a mediocre game from the past can give isn’t it?

I thoroughly enjoyed the time I put into Undertale, though the second half of the game was huge drag. I wouldn’t say that people should ignore the game based off of it though. I had quite a few nitpicks that I couldn’t throw in organically. Undertale is a game that I feel takes a lot of fire from every direction. Be it praise, or hatred, a lot is fueled by personal bias.

Cute indie platformer that is no longer legally acquirable. My original review's summary didn't fit Backloggd at all.

All in all, Quest is a very average package. Honestly, the fact it feels so average makes me dislike it more than if it was blatantly bad. The foundation is here for something great, but it doesn’t capitalize on anything to make it different. In my original review, I felt like I just needed to hate something. Unfortunately, this game became that something. I feel Quest is the weakest of Image&Form’s work. That does not mean I think it’s bad, Quest is painfully average.

Overall Super Meat Boy has a lot of content packed into this difficult adventure. It’s easy to blaze through the light world, but the better you are, the more content you unlock. I’ve seen people on the fence about getting Meat Boy for various reasons. If you’re not a fan of challenge I would stay far, far away from it. However, if you’re up for the heat, you’ll love the spice of this meat. There are a lot of ups and downs to this game, but I never wanted to give up or go back.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with Runner 3. It was creative, funny, and most importantly, a blast to play. Runner 3 has many flaws, and experience dampening issues, but those issues rarely kept me from having fun, though it did occasionally happen. Runner 3 was very fun, but not my personal favorite in the genre. If you’ve had your eyes on it, I think you should look a bit closer as the price is steep for what you get, however, I did enjoy Runner 3, so I do recommend it.

In the end, good developers can make bad games. I can see the love and ambition that was clearly here, but more than that love and ambition a mediocre execution killed this novel concept. I will be watching what Ground Shatter produces next, but can’t recommend SkyScrappers to anyone. I hope they can revisit another title like it soon.

In the end, VVVVVV gave me a very difficult decision to make. It failed as a rage-game, but never made me dissatisfied. That automatically makes it a flat 50%.