39 reviews liked by Svankmajer

"A JRPG-like Harry Potter game? That sounds interesting," I thought... And it is! Aside from the sometimes dodgy pixel art, this is a fun little game with a lot of spells and mysteries to solve. For a kid in 2001, it offered great replay value. In most parts, the game is extremely forgiving, never showing a game over screen and imposing no penalty for dying in combat. It's a chill game, and I think it does the job well.

Alone in the Dark is the grandfather of all survival horror games. As a huge fan of the genre and the Resident Evil series, playing this game was long overdue, luckily I finished it just in time for the remake. While we're at it, a remake is definitely needed. Not just because of the technical aspects like the bad resolution, awful controls, dozens of useless items which gets annoying 'cause it was combined with limited inventory and the combat is also pretty bad. Once an enemy manages to land a hit, you will be staggered and most of the time you can't do anything against it until you are dead. The steam version also has a few problems for example the window shrinking when you minimize it and the visuals are very pixelated when you maximize the game on a modern monitor. But I always had to laugh when Edward punched a zombies with the loudest SMACK sound effect. I was also pleasantly surprised by the the voice acting. I didn't expect the game have voice acting and it was very well-done. I really appreciated the voice acting because the information in the notes was often necessary to defeat certain monsters and I just hate it when I have to read so much in games. Overall I enjoyed my time with the game, it has a great atmosphere, cool monster design and I see much potential for the remake. But it was really short, at max you probably need around 4-5. I'm glad I finally beat this game because of its historical value and importance to my favorite gaming genre, survival horror.

Games I finished in 2024 ranked

this game does have some of that 90s point n click bs, from obscure puzzles, to timed sequences that can result in game overs, to, well, being able to even get a game over, to the pixel hunt, to the excess mouse functions that could have really been streamlined (seriously when do you ever use push in this game?)
the story, the writing, the visuals, the voice acting, everything else comes together to make this one of the best point n click games of the 90s... just play with a guide and have a separate save for every day (you'll thank me when you forget to leave the snake scepter under the cushion and screw yourself over on the final day)

Pretty short, just 4 hours, and so simple anyone can beat it. The story mostly takes from the fifth book (episodes 29 and 30 in the 1990 anime), plus side quests featuring most of the cast. I could be more nit-picky and say, "Why didn't this or that character show up?" or "Why doesn't Snufkin play the accordion?" but as far as licensed games go, it's a satisfying experience. It goes without saying that the faithful artstyle looks lovely. Lotta love for the Moomins.

(Review of the DOS version specifically)
Quite possibly the greatest deconstruction of superhero culture. The twist reveal that the game is literally impossible to beat due to a jump you can’t make is one of the most profound moments in all of gaming for how much it conveys the frivolousness of making up fake heroes instead of doing anything to help with real world issues.

thank u next (meaning not "cool game but I'm moving on from it like a normal person," but rather "where's the next game in the series, i need it RIGHT NOW" u feel?)

If you're reading this you either want to know WTF this game with a long name is or if you know that whether it's any good (does Psi think 3 stars is bad).

To answer WTF, this is a point and click game which seems very much a homage to Broken Sword, similar in themes, jet-setting, comedy and even with some nods to that series.

3 Stars is because this game is good but not without faults, part of me think it's harsh "is this just the most 7/10 ever?" as it succeeds in being a version of that series both in good and bad ways.

If you liked the series, you will enjoy this but you will both find some puzzles annoying and some dialogue bad or even distasteful.
You will also though enjoy the conspiracies, enjoy the settings and probably get a small laugh at some of the jokes and some of the nods.

My lower score is simple, it's still not as good as the first two Broken Swords and it also makes some similar mistakes to them.
Annoying partly controlled timed clicking puzzles that gave me bad memories of a goat alongside not enough voice lines to tell you if you're hot or cold when on the right path.

Overall though, I'm glad this exists, I hope there's a sequel- you have to hope that's the plan with the subtitle - and hopefully with more time, money and experience the team can create an even better game.

The story impressed me. Most of the time I wondered what would happen next. Many jokes made me chuckle. Worth its money.

An amazing story that has to be played to really be experienced. The puzzles can be obtuse at times, but the game makes up for it with consistently its great dialogue and game design.

A very difficult but fun game! I had to look up most of the puzzles because they really didn’t make any sense to me, but the story and atmosphere were phenomenal! I enjoyed the characters and relationships between them and the humor was amazing. I immediately started from the beginning and will get all the trophies for this game. It will be worth it.