Fromsoftware Tier List

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My penultimate gaming experience, only Breath of the Wild could ever trump this level of wondorous exploration, and it has my favorite lore in all of fiction, this game just kept on giving and giving.
The greatest combat system I've ever had the pleasure of partaking in, truly the most tense and exhilarating in the series by a longshot, this combined with great balance, visuals, story and locales makes for the most consistently quality title Fromsoftware has ever put out.
While deeply flawed in many respects, Dark Souls provides an experience that could never be replicated by any of its successors.
While I have a bit of a disdain for Bloodborne's lack of visual variety and flawed pacing, the streets of Yharnam are undeniably extremely special.
This game is a great downgrade in many ways, but quite honestly? The catharsis provided by this game's ending act is unrivaled.
Possibly the best game in its respective trilogy in terms of polish and quality, but lacks the vivacity of DS2 and the interconnectedness of DS1.
An excellently polished and incredible breakthrough in game design, yet unfortunately bland compared to its siblings, and greatly lacks neccesary quality of life.


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