Certified hood classic. Unfortunately mojang devs are more worthless than a plastic spoon being used for crack.

OH MY PEAK FICTION this games story is so goddamn compelling it makes me want to rob a mf for 64¢. Arthur Morgan is an extremely well written character, he's prolly one of my favorite characters of all time. Seeing this man's struggles make me sad and seeing him happy (on the rare occasion that he is) makes me want to cry for him. Rockstar outdid themselves on this game.

Ngl I think I prefer the linier gameplay as opposed to open world for the souls games. It's why I like DS3 more than this. Still fun tho I'll pick it up and beat it soon enough

Goat raw swag would replay again hell yeah sugoi

It exists. Fun gameplay tho!!!

GOOD LORD I'VE BEEN DICK RIDING THIS GAME FOR SO LONG AND IM PREGNANT WITH ITS CHILD!!!! Uncharted 4 is in my top 3 games of all time this is THE END of the GOAT NATHAN DRAKE. The story is so compelling it's something anyone who enjoys single player games should experience. I love this game of God wait I'm having the baby rn ahhhh it hurts stop ahhhhh

This game is really fun and has aged well (except for the jet ski missions fuck that) it's the start of a series of amazing stories being told and for that it's worth getting into. Also killing bad guys is neat too.

For whatever reason I prefer the 2016 game over this. That being said, this is still a fun and addictive game and I would absolutely love to replay this again.

THIS GAME IS THE GOAT my friends make fun of me for liking this but idgaf it has a fun horror aspect and great story, the characters are loveable and the plus content that gives them their own side stories is so damn perfect that shit had me crying in the club i will proudly dick eat this game yessir

Exaggerated swagger of a black teen

This shit had me crying in the club so bad bro BEAUTIFUL game amazing story Jin Sakai is a greatly written character and the gameplay is fire play this game if you hate Israel


Goat raw fire swag kino peak this shit goes retardedly stupid