Super addictive and charming game with a chill af soundtrack! Had to unlearn all of my muscle memory from both Skate & Tony Hawk as I played but after the first hour I got into the groove and was having a great time. The controls are simple and intuitive and flow really nicely although it took a bit to learn the exact way the physics worked as sometimes I felt like my momentum wasn’t carrying through a grindrail the way it should and I missed many jumps even tho I was sure to be at my top speed but that’s probably an error in my part. Haven’t tried out the generated levels yet, but overall this is a super fun and relaxing sports game.

This review contains spoilers

So simple in design but so effortlessly fun and charming! As the first 3D Spider-Man game, Neversoft expertly laid the groundwork that the next several Spidey games would follow. The controls are a little loose, but it’s so fun to traverse the levels and collect the hidden comic books while battling enemies of which there is a good variety! The story is a simple comic book crossover event with Spidey being framed for stealing a reformed Doc Ock’s invention from a science expo.
As he tries to clear his name, Spidey encounters many heroes and villains from the expanded Marvel universe and it adds a lot to making the game’s universe feel alive and lived in and Spidey’s characterization here is spot on. The moment to moment gameplay is snappy and fast paced with tons of level variety and challenges within. The game is super short and combat can get repetitive towards the end of the campaign, but the game is so fun and easy to pick up and play that it doesn’t feel like a chore to play the whole game in one sitting. There are bonus training missions and time/score attack challenges to keep engaged and help unlock some bonus costumes that can add certain attributes when worn that make the game easier or harder encouraging repeat playthroughs.

Also the soundtrack by Tommy Tallarico is INCREDIBLE!!! An exciting nu-metal/industrial sound with synth accents and epic guitar riffs (one of the greatest soundtracks of the PS1 era imho).

Haven’t played the original fully, but loved the story here the acting and writing was phenomenal. A very simple game mechanically as while the open world is beautiful it’s merely a backdrop for the story to take place in. Some collectibles are hidden throughout the world, but I didn’t have much incentive to go after them. The 1930’s aesthetic is beautiful and driving around is super fun with the more realistic handling compared to GTA. The gunplay felt a little clunky with a bit too many bullet sponge enemies (got direct head shots that sometimes didn’t kill instantly). Also very repetitive structure that can get tiring, especially in the latter half of the game. Definitely worth playing for the story/characters and some fun missions.

Received as a B-Day gift. This game kickstarted my serious love of cinema as it got me interested in watching Episodes 1-6 and all of the BTS Stuff I could find. On its own a classic.

Phenomenal sequel improves upon everything the first game offered. Lots of charm and creativity in the levels even if the game itself is very simple; it’s still a blast to play!

Two classics combined into one even classier game :)

A product of the time, but the tank controls work perfectly with the fixed camera angles and the game is designed well around this fact. The design translates to tension in gameplay and item management is so fun and challenging. Always fun to speedrun.

Badass remake with the fixed camera gameplay replaced by that of more modern third person shooters while still retaining the atmosphere, exploration/puzzle solving, and tension of the original game. Faithful yet fresh!

A very generous 4-star rating as while the game is fun, the levels are so short and the open world is kinda waaay too stretched out and filled with seemingly endless menial tasks. By the time I finished the story for all 9 Episodes, I didn’t have much incentive to search for more shit or unlock every character. Most every upgrade is practically useless since the game is so easy dying has such little penalty as you respawn instantly anyways. The game brought back a lot of the charm from the early LEGO games, and the voice acting here is actually not completely awful as was the case in a lot of the more modern LEGO games. While the game world is way too overcrowded at times with things to collect and missions to complete, the attention to detail is incredible for any Star Wars fan in the amount of references and gags poking fun of the series’ history is a delight to experience.

The best way to play the game! Like many here’s have said, this is what Nintendo should’ve released in the 3D AllStars collection.

The best way to play the game! Many mods and cheats are available to make the game a smoother experience for modern systems without sacrificing the games core design and mechanics. Like many here have said, this is what Nintendo should’ve released in the 3D AllStars collection.

The greatest music game of all time for its presentation and authenticity of the Beatles’ career. Every. Song. Slaps. Short setlist compared to other rock band /
Music games, but Single-handedly got me seriously interested in music history and rock music in general. One for the ages.

(Also check out modding scene on 360 as almost every single Beatles’ song ever is featured in addition to many songs being multi-tracked with custom animations and dreamscapes for each individual song).

The absolute best way to play Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2. Increased frame rate and quality of life improvements + mod support. Some of the greatest platformers of all time got even better.

One of the most broken games of all time. Completely and utterly unfinished, however the scope of the world and the level design is superb and the soundtrack is no lie one of the greatest ever composed for a video game. Sad at the time, but P-06 is shaping up to be one of the greatest remakes of all time and has so far fixed many of the issues found in this original release.

Had some issues with glitches and controls being finicky on console. Will play the original version on PC and give an updated score when I get around to it.