A massive improvement over the second game and the mechanics have never been better than the more of the games before it! Super fun!

If I address the elephant in the room, then I wouldn’t be talking about this game. But I went in with a clear head and away from the allegations. So this is my review:

It’s good. Clearly they want to make something different and away from the cartoony look but blend in with human like characters, but this feels like Halo with Rick and Morty humor.

It’s funny at times and I dig a lot of the voice actors behind the game (he is not one of them), but as for gameplay and story, it’s pretty basic. Not bad, I enjoyed my time with the game but at times I found it boring and tedious at times.

A friendly and funny interaction FMV that I’m sure kids back in the day loved to play during 2nd Grade computer classes.

So far out of the series, this one is my absolute favorite. The bugs are gone and the AI for the Pikmin are great, the gameplay is really fun and addictive, the bosses are super fun, and the game feels like there’s a mission to it while having the elements of the other two games.

Definitely my favorite game in the series by far!

FMV Failure at its finest! Pretty mediocre film and gameplay but the cheese factor is something to behold 😂

Pikmin 2, in my opinion, feels like a step down from the first one. Not only does it feel like, nothing is wrong and you have unlimited time to do everything, but you do it with the most bullshit of challenges in the dungeon system.

The nice array of Pikmin is a good change of pace and I do like having two captains, but I wish the game was more focused on getting the time limit and have that challenge vs you have all the days to get everything.

Super fun and as engaging as Super Metroid, but not quite as intense as Dread.

Not going to lie when I say this is the most creative and hilarious game I’ve ever played.

Fun, challenging at times, and full of creative fun platforming.

A game so convoluted, so campy, so fucking WHAT THE FUCK, that it makes up for it with the gameplay! I’m sorry but that ending was just not for me chief….also the game is trying so hard to be Bioshock Infinite that it fails badly 😂

And yet, it’s not the worst thing I’ve played.

A game that tries so hard to be it predecessor that it falls flat on its head.

The gameplay is fine and the story is a mess. It tries so hard to be Dead Space. Atmospheric cool and the design is nice but the doesn’t excuse for the lack of fun and terrible cliffhanger.

A sequel to one of the biggest games of 2018 and it’s BEYOND bloated as hell!

The gameplay and mechanics are fun like the 2018 version and has improved greatly, but man does the story feel EXTREMELY boring and complicated! Jumping around as the two leads is super inconvenient and leaves me feeling like I’m hitting a wall every time.

The story doesn’t NEED to be this over the top; hell the beginning and the ending are the best moments in the game, but you have to get through some MAJOR MAJOR shit in order to get to the good stuff.

Ghostwire Tokyo is a good game overall. The game play and mechanics are fun at times and the game’s story overall is not bad. Kinda sad this game got slept on because this had a lot of potential; however the game is semi decent of how short the game really is. The main reason to stay is the side missions which are a HANDFUL!!

This wasn’t a bad game entirely but it’s very frustrating and buggy. A mid-good successor to Battle For Bikini Bottom