136 reviews liked by Takumi_Kursat

tetris düşündüğümden daha zormuş

Bölümün sonunda çocuk varmış

Playing as a collective hive-mind of 8 people that shares one brain cell makes you rethink your friendships

Gözlerinde kamera var bizi izliyorlar kuzenimi kaçırdılar beyler

Not just a bad remake, a bad game in general

The newly added gameplay is pretty fun but I think the original game had the better story. Still going with the Classic version is fine by me, it's way cheaper.

gave me a headache in just 5 minutes

This update turned an already phenomenal game into a true masterpiece. Probably the greatest game I have ever played.

I'm a coward myself but I would still have wished it to be a little bit scarier. Still a pretty good game.

The physics and variety on the game are still impressive to this day.