90 Reviews liked by Tamatou

Jak 3


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“Oh don’t worry, Jak beats things all the time, eh Jak?”

I fucking loved Jak II. It’s everything I could’ve possibly dreamed a T-rated gta game could be like…except bully but that’s not the point. So naughty dog now had a new task: to outdo themselves from their last effort, and did they do it? Well…not really. The thing about Jak 3 is I don’t necessarily hate it…but I don’t think it’s as good as Jak 1 or 2 for that matter and I almost feel as though it lets itself down. This isn’t a completely bad review though, I do want to point out what is good about the game whilst also pointing out what is bad because I’m going to do my first ever big critique of a game and why not let it be Jak 3? But first: what is good about Jak 3

The good (or at least what there is of that):

The wasteland - it’s basically advertised on the front of the box that ‘welcome to mad max but it’s Jak and daxter’. I really love this portion of the game and it feels cool that we’re actually trying to help this society which is cut off from everyone else. Whilst I do have a minor gripe with the driving, the missions didn’t annoy me that much and some were actually quite enjoyable. It’s just a shame that after the first act your done with the wasteland with only the odd mission with sig or the temple.

Damas - he is probably the best written character in the game and my personal favourite. Damas is introduced near the very start and takes Jak in from the desert and gives him the chance to reinvent himself as a wastelander. Slowly through the game he begins to warm up to Jak and becomes a father figure to him which connects to the plot twist near the end of the game. What I like about Damas’s character though is that he is more then just ‘oh yeah, I didn’t like Jak near the start but now I do’. Damas has a reason to like Jak, he is like the son he lost and it makes sense why he holds him up to that regard near the end of the game.

Precursor orbs - they have an actual use now which is nice. In Jak II they were used to unlock a few extras and some cheats near the end of the game. But in Jak 3 they have a much bigger use. If you get enough you can buy weapon upgrades, new desert vehicles, and even more extras than ever before. It feels like they want you to go out and get the orbs…shame about the weapon upgrades being slightly unnecessary.

The precursors being ottsels - you can’t tell me you didn’t at least do a slight chuckle when this plot twist came up. This whole time…the precursors were actually the same creatures that daxter got turned into. It’s such a nice little call back to what the original game was always pondering and it gives daxter yet another thing to brag about. It’s such a nice full circle twist and I love it.

The bad:

Keira - holy shit what did they do to Keira. “You know one of the sweetest characters that was always trying to help Jak no matter what in both games? Why don’t we make her do absolutely nothing and lose her as the love interest”…I’m sorry, why? Supposedly her actor was off doing other things or something and they decided to go for Ashelin to be the new love interest but like…they could’ve at least made Keira do something useful like she did in the last 2 games. She doesn’t even say anything. Even in the extras menu when you view her character she looks lazy and half arsed. I’m so happy she was back to how she was in Jak X because Jesus Christ.

Ashelin - I think this more goes towards her writing more than anything, her as a character is pretty sound. She has some of the biggest throwaway lines in the game. During the final scene, as Jak announces that his true name is mar, Ashelin just had to say: “wait so, Jak is mar, the mar”. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU IMPLYING. Do you mean that he’s the mar that is meant to be the next ruler of haven city? Do you mean he’s the original mar that is talked about so much? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN??? AHHHHHHH-

The ‘villain’ - so uhh…remember Errol from Jak II? He’s back! Just uhh…with a terrible design. What the hell did they do to him. The thing about Errol is he doesn’t really feel that threatening. Sure, he looks like an absolute menace and I wouldn’t want talk to him if I passed him on the street but like…I feel kinda bad for him. Like they may as well have just made veger the main villain because he at least has more of a reason then Errol does. Errol is only doing it because ‘he hates Jak’ and I just don’t find that to be a good enough reason. Like yeah sure he turned him into what he is but like…does that mean you also have to destroy the rest of humanity?

Driving in the wasteland - let’s set the scene. As they were developing the wasteland and trying to do the driving controls, instead of dedicating a button for drifting they decided to make it automatic drift and it sucks…like really sucks. The last mission was absolutely painful as I tried to wrestle with it and I just couldn’t. I had to put the game down for ages because of it. Eventually I would beat the mission but I could never forgive who decided automatic drift would be good except for maybe realism.

Guns - I see what they were doing here. The ratchet series allowed you to choose whichever type of gun you wanted and gave you a lot of options when it came down to that. In Jak II you only had 4. But that sort of worked as it gave you a decent challenge and fit into the gameplay really well. In Jak 3 you get not 2 extra guns, not 4, but 8. Combine that with the 4 from Jak II and you have 12 guns…and these guns absolutely decimate the enemies. I’m not gonna go too in depth about them but let’s just say they should’ve increased the difficulty to compensate for the guns.

The council - let me put it for you simply:
Near the start: Ashelin: “the council are too powerful”
Near the start of the third act: Ashelin: “count veger, I hereby dissolve the city council”
So how the hell did she just do that and why didn’t she do it near the start? It is just another throwaway line from Ashelin but it really bugs me and it clearly bugs other people.

No dynamic music - this might be me being a little nitpicky but remember when you’d pull out a gun in Jak II and the music would change to a more pumped up and anxious sounding ost? Well it isn’t here in Jak 3. I mean it is a shame they didn’t reimplement it but I guess they had other stuff going on.

Light Jak - so now alongside dark Jak we have light Jak which is so broken. You get 3 abilities with light Jak: flying, stop time, and heal. The heal ability is extremely broken, allowing you, mid battle, to heal yourself up completely. It only adds to how easy the gameplay has become which is in complete contrast to how Jak II operated. Also, you know those other abilities I reeled off? You barely use them. The flying ability is used a few odd times but the stop time ability is basically useless. There’s this one bit when you are trying to get to Errol where there are these spinning blades and I thought we finally needed to us the ability to go through. BUT NOPE. Instead we had to play as daxter to stop it…what. You made an ability which showed you that you could go through those things and like…you don’t even use it for what it’s meant for…also don’t even bother with dark Jak.

Haven city - this is probably me being nitpicky yet again but haven city feels kind of pointless. You do most of the missions in the harbour area and there are only a few areas left from the Jak II. I mean I do get that they showed how most of the areas had been destroyed but they could’ve at least spread the missions out a bit. I mean there are a few in the new haven section but what about doing a few in the slums where it all started? Or maybe even bring back how haven forest actually used to be.

And that was my critique of Jak 3. I don’t necessarily hate it, there were actually some parts I really liked. But it is a stark contrast from what Jak II was doing. While Jak II just missed the mark but did stuff really great, Jak 3 completely missed the mark and did only a few good things.

Piss easy gameplay, muddled up writing, some decent written new characters?, ost is still alright I guess, DAXTER GOT PANTS!!!

they will never make an animal crossing that grabbed me like this one idk I’m sorry bros. what’s hilarious is I didn’t even buy this game I found the cartridge on the street when I was in Glasgow so I just took it and my life changed

pre-teens in 2005 had literal griefing clans where they would chop down trees and drop action replay seed items in other kids' towns (the latter of which COULD ruin your town but only if you were dumb enough to let them leave and trigger a save). it's retroactively one of the funniest things i've ever witnessed. also i think this was the first game to ever make my grades tangibly drop.

i had this an illegal copy game on those 100 in 1 cartridges when i was about 6 gifted to me from my aunt and the game broke so it could never save so EVERY time i opened it resetting would yell at me and i would cry so much that i ended up being banned from playing animal crossing for a month

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28 euros well invested in 2010 that saved the other hundreds I'd have spent in the therapy sessions I never went to cause I had to yank some weed. (no pun intended)

Best animal crossing there is and I will die on this hill

this is the best fucking game on planet earth idgaf argue with a wall

This game makes me wanna shove marbles up other peoples noses.

The french version of the game had Sara Perche Ti Amo by italian band Ricchi e Poveri and Est-ce que tu viens pour les vacances by french crooners David & Jonathan.

This is the best video game in the history of video games.

I had a PS1 copy of this game, but some kid thought it would be a bright idea to slide on the disc like a fucking sled. The same kid got furious when we told him to "swallow his own skull".

99% completed this on a Steam Deck in a hotel in Edinburgh and have absolutely no intent on going back to get the last friggin' bone.

I've heard this game has been an absolute hood classic in South America, again proving they have superior taste to the USA due to the mainstreaming of piracy allowing them to develop really fine-tuned taste due to all the options they have available, and a good appreciation for the past due to using older consoles a lot, importing the newer stuff was often too expensive
They give us all the best homages to retro games because they know what makes them special due to having the whole library to play with (I love you Joymasher! What a great studio)
Anyway, do not sleep on this game, it's a 4 player arena fighter on the NES and it stars my sweet precious baby Kunio-kun who I would do anything to protect
Don't sleep on Kunio either, aka River City Ransom etc, I've been playing those games since I was a kid because despite living in the USA I stumbled into piracy and emulation and all that, boy he's done it all
If you only play two Japan-only Kunio games, play this and the hockey one, they have a knack for infusing every kind of sport with rule-breaking violence, like dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, hockey, track and field, baseball, soccer, falling block puzzle, as well as all the solo adventures like River City Ransom where they have to get their girlfriends back or the Like A Dragon Ishin-esque jidaigeki spinoffs or the Three Kingdoms spinoff or River City Girls from Wayforward where the girlfriends, obversely, has to get them back
A personal favorite of mine is Shin Nekketsu Koha: Kunio-tachi no Banka, now known in the US with two official translations (localized and literal) as "River City Girls Zero" because you do get to play as the girls too, even with those two options of theirs I like the original fan translation I grew up with though because they say "fuck" and "shit" and "damn", I mean, they're high-schoolers and delinquents, so I guess they would talk like that
Just for the love of god whatever you do, do NOT play Stay Cool Kobayashi-san! A River City Ransom Story...worst mistake of my life

P.S. Yakuza is what happened when Shenmue's narrative aspirations and Kunio's bursts of dopamine split the difference
When will they follow in Kunio's footsteps and we get a Three Kingdoms Yakuza game where Majima is Lu Bu or something

Important information: if you want to play these games on modern platforms, M2 really went all out with the Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle, where they officially translated a whopping 11 games for the first time, including 14 total, including the subject of this review, even retranslating River City Ransom while keeping its Japanese visuals and script intact alongside the original, as well as "quality up" versions that remove slowdown, improve control, and remove NES flickering
And...they locked their roms with DRM so you can't play them on a CRT display like God intended, which is a shame

E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial is a fantastic movie. The story may be simple, but it is elevated and carried with the heart throughout its runtime, the characters, the humor that still holds up, and the effects for E.T., which are very impressive for the time that it came out. Even for being 40 years old, it is still a classic to watch to this day.

The video game, on the other hand... HOO BOY, that is an ENTIRELY different story. I'm sure anyone who has been into video games for a long time has at least heard of this game at one point. It is one of the most infamous licensed game ever made, it is one of the main contributors to the video game crash of 1983, and it is considered to be one of the worst games of all time.

As for me, yeah, I can't lie, it is pretty god awful, and I don't blame anyone for thinking that it is one of the worst of all time. The story is pretty much the same as the film, except incredibly abridged, the graphics are Atari graphics, so nothing else to say there, the music, or I guess sound effects in this case, are terrible, the control is actually kind of tough to get a grip on, and this is just a joystick and a button we are talking about, and the gameplay is extremely annoying to execute.

I think the main problem with this game is that even trying to maneuver around the world and make progress is both extremely confusing and a fucking chore. You will just randomly fall into holes all the time, even if it seems like you are far enough away from them, and the placement of the items you collect isn't quite clearly laid out, so you can't properly make progress without going through a bunch of bullshit.

Now, with all that being said, would I consider this one of, if not, THE worst game in the world? No, not at all. Yes, it is terrible, but for what we have here, it is pretty impressive, given how little time the developer was given to make it, and ever since this, there have been MANY other games that are considerably worse than this for a multitude of reasons.

Overall, while I wouldn't consider it the worst game ever made, it is still absolutely abysmal, and without a doubt one of the worst licensed games of all time.

Game #52

For any major franchise, no matter what medium, there will always be a low point that it will hit. Whether the product could be considered absolutely awful and must be condemned for even thinking what it's doing could be successful, or it just isn't as influential, profitable, or likeable as others in comparison, that low point will show up eventually. And for Mega Man, that low point didn't take long to show up at all, and that can be seen early on with Mega Man on MS-DOS.

Sure, it may have been developed by one guy, and it is on a different platform, but I can't sugarcoat it, this game fucking SUCKS. It is without a doubt one of, if not THE worst game in the entire Mega Man franchise, even more so than Mega Man X6 or X7. And yeah, it may be impressive for a game made by one person, but who gives a shit, it still sucks.

The story is exactly what you would expect, the graphics are horrible, not just because of the color choices, but also the art style and sprites used in the game, there is no music whatsoever, but instead just dumb sound effects, the control is weird as hell, and it takes a while to get used to, and the gameplay is standard for Mega Man, but it is some of the worst gameplay classic Mega Man has to offer.

Once again, it is just your standard classic Mega Man game, but it is ruined by plenty of factors, such as Mega Man's huge sprite, enemies being way too short to where you can't hit them, annoying-ass platforming challenges and physics, lackluster powerups, and a lack of satisfaction to be found anywhere. If I can say one good thing about this game, and I mean the ONLY good thing, I would say that it is very short, so at least you won't have to put up with it for too long.

Overall, this is perhaps the worst Mega Man game ever made, and while I myself haven't played every single Mega Man game ever made, I feel pretty confident in my assertion.

Game #79