One of the worst games I have played. Everything is broken. The game clearly wasn't finished

Not as good as Spyro 2 and also the Ice Skating Theme is tubular

Best Spyro and one of the best 3D Platformers
German Jäger is also a meme
"Heeeey spyroooooo"

*Dreamweavers guys when you hit them

5/5 if you had siblings
2/5 if you didn't

Not as good as 2 but great Crash

The best Crash

They overdid it with the Backtracking Section this time though especially in diggin it and cold hard crash.

Underrated Crash game. Slower paced and great atmosphere.
Absolute Peak PS1 aesthethic

People dislike this because you can't save in the Map screen. As if you wouldn't collect the very easy to obtain Bonus Tokens in each level anyways. This game also showers you in extra lives so

Oh you have to beat each Stage No Death for the true ending? As if you Crash 3 doesn't also require no death runs for the relics. Also this doesn't have nearly as difficult backtracking sections as Crash 2 so I wouldn't call this any more difficult to 100% than the rest of the trilogy.

I swear people repeat these two arguments over and over making me spin like crash bandicote in rage

Better then the Remake and with recent advancements in the modding community this game is ALIVE

One of my earliest Memories was coming home from Kindergarden and seeing my brother play this. I've been playing this game since 1999 with my brother and cousin. At Familiy Gatherings, At Home Parties, On our PSPs, with weird made up rules and in any setting or circumstance you can imagine. And we always had the time of our liiiives and we neeeva felt this way beforeee. blah balh issa trueeee and I only wuewue youuuuu! *sry had to sing