A very good solo FPS from a game serie that brought a lot to console playability in action games.
Being the more recent of the 3 first Halos, I think it is the one that aged the better. If you search a more flavored game, I suggest you go for Halo 2 instead.

When I told a friend RE5 is a good action game, he answered that was the problem, it isn't supposed to be an action game but a survival horror, as RE4 is.
I'm sorry mate but RE4 isn't a survival horror, it is an action game.
RE5 is the polished version of RE4, more silly, more ludicrous, more unashamed (which is a feat considering RE4 was already very much unashamed). It is more dynamic due to a new inventory system, it features deeper light rpg elements that allow upgrading weapons in a very dumb way (hello, 100 bullets per clip pistol) and has enough ideas spread all along the adventure through its level design and bosses to never be boring. I must point out the mercenary bonus game mode, way more elaborate than RE4's, that really is a game in a game you can spent dozen hours on. Very arcady, very fun.

It has flaws. Level design lacks saillance, difficulty spikes are a thing, gun mechanics and stealth aren't as deep as they should, controls are meh, cinematics are ugly...
Yet, I mostly remember the good. It is short. It is well paced. It tried something new.
It's a curiosity. A pretty good curiosity. I think time didn't helped it.

It is old. I don't thnik it aged very well, as a matter of fact I'm sure it aged way less good than its sequels. It isn't very well written when it comes to characters or dialogs.
Yet, it has brought so much. It is still fully playable nowaday du to the scratch, its simplicity in level and gun design. Some ideas are still great : vehicles, vast levels, modern health bar, certain guns like the needler or plasma grenades... Halo has brought the scratch technology, which every shooter use since. It is still a lesson in enemy design and world design nowadays.
This cave isn't a natural formation.

It's the most unliked of the 4. I understand that, I would love to say it is not the baddest but I honnestly don't know. Imho MGS games are unrankable. They all are masterpiece, that tried new thing with every game, renewed the formula and pursued the spirit.
It IS a masterpiece. I mean, I would'nt be able to even find it an absolute flaw, a really messed up thing that doesn't work. It might not be at your taste, of course, but saying an aspect of the game is made in a wrong way that doesn't fulfill a specific goal would be a lie. Even loading screens are thought about in MGS4. I humbly find it highly respectable, and I am happy this author was given a nice budget and a very talented team to create the videogame he wanted.

Funny unsee game concept correctly made.

A bet-hesda won. The action-rpgation of the franchise works well.
Unfortunately, everything isn't perfect. For a shooting game, shooting mechanics aren't good. Global pace is strange.

A surprisingly arcade and complete game, that got me hook with its 3 game modes in very different ways.
I must say tho I would certainly give this game 5 star if it was only gameplay-wise. Not saying its story is bad, I let you judge this. No, what bothers me is the usual propaganda of COD serie that is absolutely unheardable for the adult I am.

Doing an Whodunit? videogame is I would'nt even think possible. Yet here Obra Dinn is. It is a wondeful game that gave me feelings very few games did. Every game system is sober. This sobriety gives space for the true star of the game : the human brain. Thinking, comparing, looking, moving, hearing are all the tools you'll use to determine who, how, by whom. This is much more stimulating than how it sounds on paper.
The end is sober and suprinsingly satisfying.
The game is gorgeous.
The sound design is wonderful.
This game is a masterpiece.

A classical battle royal fps that focuses on movements and gunfights. It is not so punitive, which is a really good thing.
Yet, I don't like BR structure. Gunfights, yet good, aren't great either. If you don't have friends to play with, I do not recommand.

The free-fall feeling is particularly successful : I wasn't able to parachute myself correctly because I was way too afraid falling.

I am pretty sur I finished it yet I cannot remember a thing except a glass roof.
I'm pretty sure it had poor shooting gameplay.
To do if you're into space stuff or RPGs.

Mystic caves scared me.
Metropolis zone was great.
The bubble came too late.
The coop system was really bad designed but I enjoyed it enough as a youngster. I think I won't be able to play it in coop nowadays. In solo tho, I'm pretty sur it's still quite interesting.

A good DS game that broke my right button.

Yeah, Naughty Dog wanted to to a lot of thing and eventually ended doing nothing correctly...
I don't think it's a good shooter.
I don't think it's a good plateformer.
I don't think it's a good puzzle game.
I don't think it's a good story.
As a consequence, not being fond of adventure games, I don't know if it a good adventure game. I know I disliked it.

Frustrating, both in solo and multiplayer.
The spectacularness isn't what it was in COD4/5/6.
Making the shotgun a main weapon in multiplayer is lame.