20 Reviews liked by TecTale

Le souls-like le plus abouti jusqu'à présent, fin de l'histoire.

On est sur une prouesse, un accomplissement, une bénédiction, enfin un souls-like qui respecte les codes et qui est un véritable challenge plutôt que des boss ridicules aux hitboxes gigantesques, patterns mal foutus etc...

Là dans le jeu, y'a de la vraie cohérence et surtout du vrai SKILL à avoir, là faut être précis et connaître les frames en plus d'être patient avec les boss, de savoir quand est-ce que tu dois parer parce que c'est beaucoup plus exigeant qu'un Sekiro par exemple... c'est tout ce que je voulais perso.

Par la suite, comment ne pas parler de la beauté des zones et le worldbuilding tout court, même si le jeu qui est censé se passer en Italie ressemble grave à bloodborne dans l'ambiance Londonienne victorienne, y'a des moments dans le jeu où ça dérive complètement et ça trouve sa propre identité ou ça s'en inspire des grands comme le village qui était semblable à celui de RE4, le haut de la cathédrale qui ressemble à Anor Londo, bref franchement top du top.

Les boss ils ont pas déçu, ça manquait un peu d'ost mais franchement sur le barème des boss qui consiste de moveset lore blablabla, ça coche quasiment toutes les cases et franchement ils ont su mettre le paquet quand il le fallait, les arènes c'est toujours de la dinguerie ils ont fair un taff de ouf sur les décors.

Les questline elles sont grave touchantes ça aussi j'ai vraiment aimé en plus de la linéarité de l'histoire qui la rend beaucoup plus compréhensible qu'un Bloodborne / Elden Ring, les OST des vinyles, les notes... Ce jeu mérite tellement plus qu'être un énième Souls-Like, pour le coup c'est l'un des meilleurs jeu de l'année et c'est MÉRITÉ, JOUEZ-Y !!!!



When Peter Molyneux promises you a game that will give you "absolute freedom," expect a very bland, boring, limited game with fewer options for how to live your character's life than a fucking farming sim.



Franchement le jeu part bien mais au bout de 2 heures, le gameplay devient royalement horrible. Dommage pour un JEU VIDEO

Recore has some cool ideas, a metroid prime like where you have companions that allow you to transverse in interesting ways in the world and in its dungeuns, a fair combat system and a interesting start to it's narrative as well.

And then it comes, the executive, the "ceo" that goes into the dev room and says "this game HAS to be a open world, it's the current industry tendency, no matter what" and congrats, you ruined a potential good game, not only it's open world is boring, it also blocks your progress throughout the main path that was good and the consequence of this is making the game launch a total disaster.

In the end a good ideia, a good beginning destroyed by someone who clearly had no idea what the game was, a shame really.

Enjoying this currently. Turns out Pathfinder is a terrible system to track manually, but quite good when computers are taking care of that stuff.

Play in turn-based mode. Who saw D&D in the 90's and thought "we should make this, but without turns and you have to pause a lot."

Very buggy and unfinished and very underwhelming compared to the previous entries. Very disturbing people are giving this a 5/5. Go play the other entries or actual finished crpgs.

Act 1 was great, but only 5 levels (bruh)
Act 2 feels like continuation of BG1-2. Since I didn't play them I couldn't relate with gay women vs evil dad's cult plot.
Act 3 is unfinished AF. You get level 12 at the beginning and then the game becomes filler with barely anything relevant affecting final battle.

Companion stories and dialogue disappear entirely after act 1 and in act 3 they don't matter. The list of cut content is insane to write here.
Also I played entire game without using tadpole powers. I am one of the people mad about the game having 0 acknowledgment and consequences of not using it.
Pathifinder WOTR on day 1 was way better then BG3 in it's current state.

There's a 99% chance this is my favorite tactical game, so it has to be...right?

Feel like they early accessed this bad boy too soon. When's it gonna be done-done?

Edit: Ok the game came out and i played it for a while and it rules. I'll check back here when I'm done lol

the gallery pics of Ivy and Taki sparked my puperty

fucking, 3D rock paper scissors, fucking kirk and Spock playing this shit on the enterprise

You know how FPS games used to be called "DOOM clones"? Well, this is the first FPS in 25 years that's actually first and foremost a DOOM clone rather than an FPS.

Not as distinct as other boomer shooters that come out recently, and certainly doesn't hold a candle to wonderful New Blood catalogue of games. 75% of the game is visually very brown and red, even if levels are different. Speeds up by the end with icy, space, and church levels, but they're each like a level as opposed to the factory that's going on for most of the game, for some reason.

Wish it had more of an identity, but it still looks and sounds quite good and has wonderful punchy combat.

as someone who had two false starts with this game over the course of about two years before finally playing it through proper, this game can kind of feel wildly intimidating to take the plunge on. every interaction feels like a potential hour lost to meticulously-crafted world-building and character writing. not necessarily a bad thing, but wildly daunting when you got a full-time and partner that you like spending time with. however, once you finally give in to the rich text laid out in front of you, it becomes one of the funniest, engaging, and emotionally resonant stories i've experienced. a great deal of life in a capitalist hellscape is spent mitigating pain, numbing ourselves just enough to do what needs to get done; however, the fact that we, a bunch of apes with screaming voices in our heads, have been able to even to do what we can in this existence is it's own bizarre miracle. and, even when we're gone, we continue to fuel a world that will live on long beyond our passing. be it spiritually, culturally, or materially. that's fucking disco, baby.

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