Absolute solid game. I very much so felt all of the energy anyone born in the 90s had the first time they played Spider-Man 2 on PS2, the first game where you actually grabbed the buildings, it felt like this game really cemented the 'Spider-Man' gameplay and goes to show why he's one of the best comic heroes when it comes to getting that feeling in a video game

I both generally don't enjoy and also suck at rhythm games, so to no surprise I didn't get very far, but what I did play of this title was actually quite fun, the robot was funny without being that Claptrap level annoying (Close though!), the music is 10/10, super fun title, maybe if I had it on Switch or on my deck I'd jump into it on the go and thus play it more

Absolute beast of a game.

It's hard to fit this game into anywhere meaningful. On one hand it is a decent game, but sadly when it comes to the big indies w/ modding communities, making another game in the genre for PC is almost a waste, since the modding community can make Stardew feel refreshed for 1-2 plays a year finding another game in the genre to also play unless you love that genre is almost meaningless. It needs to add a bit more to be worth it and I'm sure they will but it will take time.

It's a fun game but unfortunately it's an oversaturated genre that takes more than that to stand out. Decent pick up but I wouldn't go back and finish it considering just the amount of better games released this year alone in the genre!

For it's time it was an interesting combination done somewhat well, Sanctum 2 solves some of it's issues but also leaves many sadly.

First MH I seriously played, was super fun, played with Bammboo and Frog in 2023 Spring/Summer. Stopped right before Alatreon due mostly to the annoying 2 week rotation of Safi.


At it's peak? 4
Currently? 2~
Very hard to jump back into when there are way better moba out there and it's niche isn't worth it, if you play now you're either fighting bots or people who have played it weekly for 10 years

Peak pokemon on release and that will never change.

The actual hype that this game manifests is hilarious and I am not a vtuber fan at all, I recognized maybe 2-3 of these (Amelie and Gawr Gura?) but the game is good fun for a VS clone and was free (Might change when it drops on Steam)

Nice mod, enjoyed the classes but it definitely is missing a little something compared to Calamity or some other big mods

To Zanarkand solos.
This game is single handledly what got me into one of the games I've spent the most hours in (Path of Exile) because the skill tree was similar and such an awesome experience. Insert Tidus laugh scene

I never finished as my save got deleted after snow area fight, I really would love to go back and finish it though.

Would not recommend it to play now due to the lack of QoL but an absolute beast of a game, another game that defined a genre and I don't believe anything supplant though that Path of Exile has been trying and I absolutely have more hours in it.

Solid title, new character that will sadly probably disappear despite being quite unique and fun

Great game obviously a classic.
I have to pick it up and finish it . At Dr. Wily 2