Quests are boring. Grind is boring. Servers are horrible. Combat is slow and unresponsive. Wars are nice.

I love building bricks with minecrap


You need some serious autism to be good at this game. Best played with pen instead of mouse.

This game is slow and boring. It feels like real life. There is nothing fun about that.

"Slams desk": Do you have any evidence to back that up? "shakes head and puts on sly smile".

Animal crossing is the Nintendo version of a SIMS game. Go play something fun instead.

Probably one of the best commodore/amiga games to be played. Recommended to play on Amiga so you dont have to swap floppies all the time.

Good modern platformer with great variety of chapters and storylines.

Fun, but can get old fast. If you ever get serious about getting far, the game might get really frustrating, as one hit result in defeat.

This game is ass. I aint even gonna bother finishing it.