Proof that walking sims can actually be good.

This game provides the best experience when it comes to piloting a super mech and fighting other mechs in it. The normal combat is pretty lame though. This should have just been a boss rush game like Shadow of the Colosuss or Furi and it might have managed to be perfect.

Not to slag on another game to praise this one but this 2D pre-carnation of Metal Gear Solid outclasses its 3D predecessor in so many ways. It's a shame so many overlook it for being old and not having the technical capabilities to be cinematic. The story is stronger in this one even. I mean you have a scientist needing to take a pee break to give Snake the space necessary to reach a Olympians heart.

The bug porn game at the end is kindve a drag ain't it? Otherwise its perfect and I thank Twin Beard for giving something to show my classmates in those dull typing classes.

They put Link in a fighting game

This game tossed half of 2D Mario into the bargain bin.

This game alone justifies the purchase of PSVR.

I still like Wii U more but its insane that everybody is here.

This game is the reason games are and will forevever poisoned by The Politics.

Caius is probably the best villain this series has had since VII. If only because the Hamlet wannabe is always on your ass like a good Final Fantasy villain ought to be.

It's over the top, indulgent, festive fantasy drama with incredible costumes and locals that had a lot of work put into then. Three of the characters are from a future where the world is basically over and there are literally only those three humans left in existence living in barren wasteland desert. Despite this all three dress like royalty from a healthy, opulent kingdom and wield ornate swords larger than their torsos. So just chill out I guess. Collect monsters, level up your jobs, read the insane datalogs to learn the centuries long story of Gogmagogs travels through the Rift Between Eras.

The final boss is a bunch of bullshit.

Its no 3D World but at the same time this is what ruined my life and made me love video games more than any other thing.

The game is fine and all but the real star was the Pokken Pad. Please everybody buy a Pokken Pad. It's the best NES/SNES controller out there. The D-pad feels so good. It ain't clickity clack but it's perfect otherwise. The shoulder buttons are BIG. I never I realized I wanted shoulder buttons to be big before but now it seems like a decades long mistake finally corrected!

Get the Pokken Pad, get Pokken Tournament (it's good!), play all the NES/SNES games on the Switch with the Pad, and finally play FFVII with the Pad.

This is probably still the best racing game out there. Theres no weird spinning out in the name of some misguided reach towards quasi-reality. Every track sticks out as THAT track. This is a game with no fat. Just the simple joy that all racing games strive for.

Cool thing about emulation is getting all the GBA games and finding something you forgot you even once owned and going "oh yea I knew everything about this game"

Its also scary how a game I learned back to front over like 2 years just completely left my memory. It makes me belive that there are definitely entire childhood friendships I have completely forgotten as well.

This game really makes you FEEL like a pissed off stupid teenager.

Also it's real good. Its everything you liked about The Last of Us but better. Improved stealth AI around enemies, improved stealth options with the prone and silencer. Its not MGSV but as a linear story driven action game it's one of the best ones out there.

And that beautiful UI. Dark Mode baby! Dark Mode! Seriously this has one of the most pleasing and clean looking UIs out there and combined with the audio cues it makes for a pretty welcoming and well considered presentations in western AAA gaming. Theres as much care for the player here as in a Dragon Quest.