Great action platformer chocked full of fascinating Taiwanese culture. Love the comic book like visuals and the music with Chinese instruments. Feels great to play too, movement and combat are fluid and satisfying.

Absolutely loved the visuals and music in this game. Wanted so badly to play more, but the controls demand you constantly press the shoot button over and over which really irritated my fingers, which have some joint issues (probably from years of video games). If this game has the option to fire nonstop just by holding a button down, I would absolutely play a lot more. Hopefully one day it will...

This game was conceptually very interesting, but I think the execution falls very flat. I felt like I was playing a prototype for a game that needed a lot more development. Music was great but they barely let you listen to it. Props to them for going for it, but I'd call this a miss. There are better modern day homebrew Genesis games out there if that is what you're looking for.

A wild twist on the old Pong. Definitely worth playing for that alone!

Absolutely love the visuals and conceptually seems great. But I found the mechanics to be clunky and sluggish. I found myself craving the speed and responsiveness of Dead Cells.

A small man goes on a very big adventure.

I blame this game for the touch of arthritis in my right index finger from all the mouse clicking.

Wasn't much fun playing solo. I'm sure it's a blast with friends.

A haunting soundtrack and cool ideas weren't weren't quite enough to push this game from decent to great. Never played it with another person though, so what do I know?

Very interesting game with some serious flaws, chief among them being the thirst meter, which they thankfully did away with in Dark Cloud 2. Town building was fun though, dope soundtrack and a great opening cinematic.

It has simultaneous turn Risk! The best Risk! So much fun!

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Beautiful junk.

This game really feels underbaked. The combat is fairly rote, the skills and attributes system feels kinda pointless, the lore/story are pretty thin and uninteresting. Despite all this I played the game to completion because the artwork and aesthetic are so beautiful. I could also say pretty much the exact same thing for both of the previous Zenoclash games.

I assume the developers wanted to do more with this game. They probably wanted the level designs to be more coherent, the combat to flow better and for there to be more purpose to the different styles. The weapons in general kinda suck and I rarely used them except for the big hammers. The materials where incredibly plentiful but mostly useless. They probably wanted these things to be better balanced. The whole thing reeks of ambition exceeding resources which is all too common unfortunately and probably not their fault.

I wish this game was deeper and better balanced. If it had combat and lore as good as a Dark Souls game it'd probably be in my Top 5.

This game didn't have the same claustrophobic atmosphere of the first one for me. Also, I picked all the wrong weapons to invest in when I played it. Really made things awkward and not fun.

Fantastic extra content for an amazing game. If you like the base game you're gonna have a good time with the arenas.

Really like the concept for this one, but I was pretty disappointed in the campaign, was really hoping for something a little more complex and robust. Graphics aren't really my taste either, I think the pixel art of the original game looked a lot better. Still worth checking out for such a cool new spin on the city building genre though.