Hilarious frantic sword combat.

Wonderful game. My first Yakuza game. Has a few issues for sure, but those are well overshadowed by just how much there is to love about it. Some of the most entertaining side-quest nonsense I have ever engaged in. Not many games make me laugh out loud and this game had me doing it all the time.

I have never, in all my years, experienced the kind of satisfaction I experienced when I finally completed this game.

May you attain Enlightenment

Relatively simple city building type game with an interesting concept of the land constantly shrinking. Graphics aren't really my taste, and I wish the music had more variation. Campaign is surprisingly robust though and the writing is surprisingly funny. Definitely worth playing in my opinion.

Good times with my boi Ray. What a summer.

Because of this dumb game I will never forget the name Waggleton P. Tallylicker. Thanks a lot Stephen Blum.

Best played on a vodka cooled PC. Stay cheeki breeki!

I played this fantastic updated version of Asteroids on the Game Boy Color. Much more complexity to it than the original.

Wild alien races? Hectic space combat? Juffo-wup? What more could a kid ask for? This game completely blew my mind as a child. I never played the other games in the series and so don't compare it to them. I loved it for what it is and still do.

A worthy successor to King of Dragon Pass.

A fine Final Fantasy style RPG by Square near the end of the generation. The graphics reflect this and are pretty impressive. The music is phenomenal, thanks to Ryuji Sasai, who also worked on Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. My only real issue is the magic system, which was weird, but not in a good way.

More games should let you alter the size and orientation of your equipment, thus allowing you to wear a hilariously oversized cowboy hat.

I had a wonderful time with this game. It's not the most mechanically polished, but the vibes/atmosphere were phenomenal. It really captures the experience of discovering a cool world through the environment and the stories of the characters within it that a metroidvania can give so well.