Kirby Super Star is a Kirby game that keeps itself fresh by adding new modes so there's more to the game play than what you've already been playing. It's a great entry in the series and absolutely worth your time.


It's a pretty game but I was kinda bored by it and I think it wasn't really my thing.

Wandersong is a cute game about a guy who sings, it's really great and I really enjoyed the story.

If this game had better controls and replicated the physics of the original, it would be a lot better. The game's still good fun, and the new content is cool, but just not as fun as it should be.

Awesome game. I like the Dreamy Luigi battles a lot. Using 20+ Luigis for a Luiginary attack just to hit one guy will never NOT be cool.

I think this was the game that got me into liking video games. Truly an unforgettable gaming experience. I go way back with this game and you are such a real one if you played this. Only thing I didn't like was that the game gets really grindy if you want to get 137 laff

This is actually a pretty decent game for a point and click DS title. Played this one as a kid.

Collecting the crystal shards feels less annoying to me than how it is in DL2 and DL3, but still has it's fair share of new problems with some shards requiring that you use abilities to reach them (which you won't know until your in the level, and what you need may not even be in the level your in), but what new things the game adds are excellent. Ability fusions, while they could've been better as a whole, are great. They're fun and put a new spin on how you fight with Kirby. I also really enjoy the cut-scenes in this game. They give Kirby and friends personalities in a game with no dialogue and it's really cute. The game could've been better, but it's good for what it is.

The level design is easily the worst thing about the game, but the art style is perfection and the new animal buddies are really fun. I think item collection is more fun than Dreamland 2 but this can have it's annoying moments, too. Overall though it's Kirby so it's gonna be a fun time regardless

Man. I really wanted to like this one, but the enemy placement is so frustrating. Getting the rainbow drops is also really annoying, and the final level, dark castle, makes you pick a path and kills you for fun if you pick the wrong one in one of it's levels. It's not bad, and it has it's fun moments, but it's extremely annoying at times and I'm glad Dreamland 3 and 64 do item collection much better.

Really good and still holds up to this day. One of my favorite NES games.

This game is really special and one of it's kind. There will never be another game like it. Please play it.

Solid game. Really short but it's a fun and quick playthough.

The levels, characters, and music are all awesome. This is peak Splatoon and I love it.

It's the best Splatoon game by far BUT the map design has gotten a lot worse and the update cycle is really bad. Maps range from boring straight hallways to tetris piece level design and it sucks when most of the maps that are my favorites in this game aren't even from Splatoon 3. Having to wait for 3 months before we can get new weapons/stages is really poor design. However, the hero story mode this time around is really good and a lot more like how Octo Expansion was. Salmon Run has been overhauled and is now fantastic. Just the fact that you can play it at anytime makes the mode instantly better, and the ability to now throw your eggs makes the mode play much faster. Also there's literal super bosses you and your crew have to team up against and fight. That is so awesome and Salmon Run is incredible. Special design is a lot more fun than Splatoon 2's global specials, and are more fair and fun to play against than they were in Splatoon 1.

In short the game is great but has a few baffling downsides that feel like they shouldn't be issues that hold the game back from feeling like its reached it's true potential as the pinnacle of the series.