This game is so fun when I actually wanna play seriously with my friends, and still fun when I don't. I think the single player content could've been better but it's just a really cool game.

I have so many good memories with this game. It's just really fun, and for the time I played it, that's all I really needed.

I feel like I didn't understand what was going on completely but I don't even care because the game makes me feel cool as hell and that's awesome.

The characters in this game are great and I really enjoyed my time playing this.

I'm more suprised about the fact that this even exists on backloggd LOL

Shooters are not really my thing but I like playing TF2 and goofing around with my friends.

I think this is the best Mario Kart by miles, and with the new booster course pass DLC the game just keeps getting better. I want Mario Kart 9 as much as the next guy, but Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is just so good that I can't be mad that this game has technically been around for 10 years now, which is crazy because I can literally remember when the original Wii U game came out. Time really does fly by.

Fine game, but my biggest issue was that there really just wasn't enough to do. The content felt really lacking in a way that made it feel like I was forcing myself to keep going back to the game after the initial 2 week period where I was blasting through the main story. The game feels like it had so many great ideas that weren't fleshed out enough, and the interactions you could have with your fellow islanders got really boring over time. It was enjoyable when it dropped, but the game didn't provide enough motivation for me to actually keep playing it when I ran out of things to do, and that sucks.

This game is great. Cappy is an awesome addition that makes your moveset feel fresh and helps this game feel very fluid. Play it.

I love this dlc. The ending could be a lot better but the levels and everything before it are so good.

Wasn't sure if I'd like this as much as I like 3D Mario games but I actually like it more than a good amount of them. Definitely try it. It's really fun and has great characters.

There are a lot of levels and shines in this game that can be pretty wack and frustratingly designed but I still really like this one.

The camera sucks. Anyways, I think this game is very cool. I'm so surprised that the movement feels really good for it's time. Levels are fun to play around in, the caps are cool power-ups, and the music is of course, slapin. Great game.

It's so unique that I don't think I'll be able to forget that I played this game, definitely go pick it up. It's not too long but it can be kinda hard at times.

I expected Mario Madness and I was not disappointed