May, 2024


1h 41m

Kane and I did some Duos and ended up getting a back-to-back Victory Royale! It felt incredible! We chatted mostly and Brook even chipped in to drive a car to me when I had to go take an allergy pill after I started to have an allergic reaction. What a strange night, haha!

2h 25m

Omar asked me to play some FFXIV with him and one of his Discord buddies, and I had a good time! It was nice to be invited to play with someone since it had been a while since Brice and I had played. We did all of our roulettes and I ended up with a Lvl 57 Machinist which is great! Going to play more again soon hopefully - I hope Franco is a person I can be friends with in the future!


2h 58m

Squeezed in a little more time playing Fortnite with the fellas - up until the air conditioning went out and that cut the night short... Luckily, after calling maintenance, I was able to come back and snag a solo Victory Royale before officially ending the night.


5h 52m

Alright - I play a loooot of Fortnite, haha! Epic has an addicting game loop, no doubt, and I actively participate. But it is fun and, at the end of the day, that is all I care about! Did some solo, ranked matches and had a couple of second places finishes. Then we assembled the crew and really showed some kids how to play! Play dead, haha! There was an epic interaction where I killed an entire team after Kane and Davey bit the dust. I wedge our car in an awkward position and this team allowed me to systematically wipe them out by sitting in the passenger seat and using the machine gun! We did not get the Victory Royale that game (as incredible as that would have been), but we did manage to eek one out at the very end. All it took was smacking around a Boba Fett with my big fists!

2h 7m

I am now all caught up with my Machinist quests! It has been engaging, mostly. Returning to Ishgard is nice but not as thrilling as it would have been a couple of years ago. I miss those days of FFXIV... Oh well. Knocked out two more Yo-Kai weapons too! Only 12 left, haha!


1h 32m

Omar invited Kane, Davey, and me over to his Discord for some Wormtown! It was a lot more enjoyable this time around with other people to share my struggles, haha! We had a good time though and the people in that Discord seem cool, for the most part. Juan came around and we spoke to each other for the first time in years. It was seamless - wish those guys had stayed in tough. Oh well!

2h 8m

HECK YEAH - FALLOUT SEASON!!! Epic got money out of me for this season, haha! The Wasteland theme is already my favorite aesthetic this game has had in the time I have played. Driving around cars with machine guns and grenade launchers like Mad Max, picking up Nuka Cola, and duking it out in the Nitrodome is pure absurdity! Kane, Davey, and I had a blast! Megla Don is so far the best play on words in the game, hands down.


0h 47m

Completed the Level 50 Machinist quest and am almost caught up up to my actual level (54). Time is ticking down so I need to start grinding out all the events currently underway. They are adding the Fall Guys crossover tomorrow - good thing that is already wrapped up or else it would be event overload!


1h 13m

Kane asked me to hop on and play some Fortnite with him and Davey, so I came back a little sooner than expected. But for a good reason! I was getting down in the dumps not talking to any of my friends (specifically Brice), so when I got his message it made me perk up! We did pretty well and I had a gnarly team elimination! No Victory Royales, but I feel like when the Fallout event happens, that will be when we pop off.

1h 6m

Worked a little more on my Machinist class quest but not too much. Was more excited to do the Main Scenario roulette with this class for the first time! I am really enjoying it - it feels like I do a lot of damage and the combos make sense. Going to try and play more tomorrow but, like today, plans tend to change!


1h 48m



This was an interesting little romp! Not a lot going on in terms of the gameplay but it makes up for it in the atmosphere department! Still, it is a video game at the end of the day and I was starting to lose interest after about an hour. I had to will myself to go back and snag the last two achievements. It would be nice to have more games set in this universe.

Started / Finished

1h 3m

Focused on my Machinist class quests this session - hoping to get it all caught up before I go back to grinding Yo-Kai weapons. That may change but we will see what peaks my interest! Really hope I get time to play with someone, but I have not minded these short solo-sessions.


1h 21m

Another Yo-Kai weapon in the bag! This will literally take forever... Oh well, haha! I want that mount and it gives me something to do. Did a little PvP as well, lost but that is how that always goes, haha!


1h 38m

Kane and I decided to game it up! We got our butts whooped in most games, haha! It was still fun getting to talk about life, plans, jobs, and eSports. I want to see if he would be interested in joining my YouTube channel now that Summer has rolled back around.

1h 37m

Had a peaceful morning grinding FATEs in the Eastern Shroud - joined a small party and earned all the Legendary Yo-Kai medals I needed to get the next weapon. Even got an ARR FATE achievement out of the ordeal!

Next time I hopped on I did the Make It Rain event which was meh. Like, Imps are neat and all but the quest had Z E R O substance, even for a seasonal questline. But that is the price we pay for all the work being devoted elsewhere at the moment. Still got a cute outfit and I will always appreciate bonus MGP!


5h 35m

Holy. Cow. I played way too much today, haha! But I had a justified reason! They are adding Fallout to Fortnite on the 24th! So I wanted to finish all of my quests and the Battlepass for this season.

Played A LOT of games - got a few Victory Royales but the best was in a Platinum 1 Ranked lobby I finished first! As goofy as it sounds, I was proud of myself. Now time to take a break until next Friday, haha.


0h 40m

Well, here we are again to get my dopamine hits and do some pointless quests, haha. I have not been feeling well lately, things have been stressful. Not sure if it's all been from work or because I haven't taken my shot. Hopefully things will get better. At least I got a pretty sweet Victory Royale, haha!


0h 55m



Played this during the Game-a-Thon and sadly it was the only one... That's alright, though! That fundraiser was a blast and the kids loved it so that is all that matters.

One of the eSports players wanted someone to play this game with him, so I promised I would check it out. We played one round and that was enough for me... Playing with the students is not typically something I would do but if I make a promise I always try to keep it! In the future, I need to be careful about what games I tell them I will check out...

Started / Finished


1h 55m

Decided I wanted to finish the Star Wars quests and attempt to finish the (nonexistent) story. I got a little frustrated while playing but I had a pretty sick Victory Royale, so that made it worth it! Not a terrible way to spend an evening but solo Fortnite is not as fun...

0h 30m

Earned enough medals to get the first Yo-Kai Watch weapon - it only cost 5 coins! Unfortunately, the rest of the weapons will cost 10 coins... Which means I will need 160 more random spawns... More grinding, but that is okay!

Still wish that I was doing this grind with a friend...


2h 57m

Finished out the grind for the Yo-Kai Watch minions while Brice texted Paige the entire Discord call... I have to accept that he is entering into a new stage of life and I will not be a prominent figure in his life. He told me as much. Watching movies is way more fun when you are cuddled with a girl... He is right but there is joy spending time with the ones you love no matter who they are. He does not seem to feel that way. Guess I will be wandering Eorzea solo. I got Machinist to Level 50 at least.


0h 24m

Accidentally placed 2nd in a Trios match - it was shockingly exciting! I focused on completing quests and talking to NPCs; I was successful. The quests are the addicting part - they are the only reason I turn the game on. Then I fall for the trap of looking at the Shop... But I have been excellent about watching my superfluous spending! Gonna get her the best ring I can!

1h 22m

Grinded out half of the Yo-Kai Watch minions doing Fates in Outer La Noscea! This was the first time since I can remember that I died doing a Fate - on top of that, no one gave me a rez (super rude)... Leveled up my Machinist to 46 and won the 10k at the Mini Cactpot. Overall, it was not a bad session at all - just wish I had friends around, haha!


0h 35m

Hopped on quickly to start the Yo-Kai Watch event! I have no idea what that game is about, but crossovers tend to be fun in this game, so I am looking forward to the grind. Finished the quest and got the watch, now time to do Fates and earn medals until I have every minion, weapon, and mount!

2h 32m

Before I stepped into Primm, I took one last look around the outskirts. I stumbled upon the California Sunset Drive-In, a few Star Bottle Caps were around but nothing really of note besides those trinkets. Had my first encounter with a couple of Feral Ghouls, who came running at me while I was exploring the Drive-In. Had to blast them with my Sturdy Caravan Shotgun. Sad thing turning into a zombie.

After searching an old playground and a few empty buildings, I made my way into the NCR camp. Spoke with Sergeant McGee and Leutinet Hayes. Hayes was the only one worth speaking to - he had some key intel on whether or not the NCR was going to make a run on the prison. He would not let me in on his secrets, so I managed to snag some mission orders he had sticking out of his pocket. It was as I thought, they were going to attack the prison. It was destined to be a bloody battle - do I tell Eddie, or do I help the NCR? Considering the soldier did not try to blow up the town that saved my life, I am inclined to betray those psychos.

Now, on to Primm. The first thing I noticed was the neon glow of a Mojave Express sign, maybe there was something there that would lead me to the ones that blasted an extra hole in my skull. No luck inside - only a slightly busted weird robot and some oddly poignant casseroles. As I exited the building, I noticed a body on the ground. It was covered in blood. His ID said his name was Daniel Wyand - he was a courier just like me. He had been assigned the same delivery job, one of 6 of us. His package was apparently a pair of fuzzy dice. I nabbed the note on his body, hoping someone would have answers for me.

A couple of Escaped Convicts tried to get the jump on me, but I blew them away easily. I went south and explored some houses but did not find anything of note.

A few more convicts tried taking shots at me from atop an old rollercoaster coming out of a place called the Bison Steve Hotel. I made my way up the rickety, dilapidated tracks and sneakily dispatched those bothersome convicts. It was time to head into the Vikki and Vance Casino (whoever that is, I have no idea).

Inside were the remaining residents of Primm - armed to the teeth and shaking in their boots. Johnson Nash, a local trader and proprietor of the local Mojave Express office, filled me in on the situation. Convicts from the prison had taken over the town and killed the sheriff, his wife, and kidnapped a Deputy Beagle, some coward from what I was led to believe. However, he is the only one in the whole town who has information on the people who shot me, so looks like I will be putting an end to these convicts once and for all - this gang just sealed their fate for all their buddies holed up in the prison. Beagle was being held in the Bison Steve, it was up to me to go save his sorry behind.

Before I left, another strange cowboy robot named Primm Slimm tried telling me about the criminals who were apparently the namesakes of the casino. Truthfully, they sounded like idiots but I could tell that gun of Vance's might be worth something. But seems like someone else thought the same thing. Not only did they beat me to it, they hacked the robot to hide the evidence. Thankfully, I had a magazine I was able to flip through and fix him to figure out where the thieves had gone. Apparently, they went to some place called the Westside - I will deal with them later. Afterward, Johnson's wife, Ruby, tried to give me some of her radscorpion casseroles, but I lacked the poison glands needed for the recipe. I plan to bring some back since it does sound tantalizing.

I marched across the street and proceeded to mow down every convict inside the Bison Steve Motel, I even made off with a fair bit of loot when it was all said and done. Armor, weapons, supplies, a strange ransom note, a whole slew of caps and ammo, even found another Star Bottle Cap. But a unique .357 pistol named Lucky was the main prize. I suppose the information regarding the men that attacked me was pretty valuable as well. Such a shame it came from the sorriest excuse for a deputy I had ever laid my eyes on. Beagle was a coward through and through. Thankfully, he had enough insight (likely fear) to realize he was not fit to be the next sheriff for Primm. This town had helped me out and it bothers me that I had been helping these devilish convicts that terrorized these innocent people. I promised I would help them pick a new sheriff - it just was not going to be easy.

Do I choose that Meyers guy who is doing time in the NCRCF? He seems like a good fit - previous experience as a sheriff, but he takes the law into his own hands, relying on emotions instead of evidence occasionally. Or do I pick the NCR? I do not know much about them other than what I have been told and my brief interactions. I have not been impressed so far... Or do I do something outrageous, like hack Primm Slimm and reprogram him to be the sheriff? To tell you the truth, it would be pretty hilarious to see him as the source of law and order. He just would not be very effective. Ugh, I will have to sleep on this one.


1h 47m

After Fortnite, it was on to Halo. We for once got to be on the other end of the typical booty spanking which was nice. The only problem was Brook's brother, Justin, was ranting the whole time in the background. Then, for whatever reason, he started shouting obscenities at me, when I was entirely silent. Getting tired of the people that hang around Kane attacking me for no reason...

1h 57m

May the Fourth be with you! We celebrated Star Wars Day by playing the new Fortnite events (and encouraging poor spending habits, haha)! Kane, Davey, and I snagged a Victory Royale and a few near-podium finishes. Overall, it was better than earlier this week, but I am still not too happy with Davey...

0h 24m

Continued the trek to Primm down the I15, killing geckos and picking wild crops off the side of the road. Along the way I stumbled upon Lone Wolf Radio. Looked like this was a pirate radio station from some crazy person used before the war. Found a Star Bottle Cap, but that was about it.

After a good night's sleep, I pulled up to Primm and, what I assume was an NCR soldier, told me it was too dangerous to approach the town. I can handle myself and I have some loose connections with the Powder Gangers - there shouldn't be any issues. But I needed to unload some junk, so back to Chet!

Made some caps and put away some goodies - no time to explore Primm!


0h 26m


Tried out game night with Omar's friends - actually had a good time! This game is super neat and I like the premise. I plan to show it off to Kane and Brice (hopefully we have a new game to play)!



4h 5m

Had a blast playing Fortnite at the Vault with Kane, Davey, and their other cousin Michael! Well, that was until Davey was a jerk... I will have to talk with him about how he treated me.

After we left the Vault, I went home and knocked out the rest of the Avatar: The Last Airbender pass. Sokka's meteor sword looked too awesome to pass up! Not sure if I am going to hop back in for awhile - got my fill for a minute, haha!