When it flows well, it’s a really satisfying experience
But when the game decides to be a frustrating piece of shit oh boy does it become incredibly annoying and repetitive
The PvP especially can ruin your day on the right conditions

It’s pretty alright
Doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel or anything, but it’s a solid game

Fun but very flawed game. The story especially was incredibly forgettable, not to mention how frustrating dying to a poorly telegraphed attack can feel

An amazing sequel in almost all aspects, especially when it comes to the gameplay and progression systems

Plot and writing are a bit goofy at points but it’s a stellar experience from start to finish

Fun little VR game, it’s got the crab rave meme

Pretty fun game, it’s well made and very inventive

Mediocre story and subpar writing aside, this is a really damn fun game.
The parkour gameplay is excellent but it’s held back by combat and crafting systems that feel very unbalanced on higher difficulties

Plot and pacing are better than ARR but still far from perfect
The gameplay really does start to shine in this one, tho

Nice short experience that I wish had more depth to it