I’m aware that it has its flaws, but this is still a great game with a very ambitious and satisfying story and varied enough gameplay to keep everything engaging
Shame some sections don’t hold up so well but there’s still a lot of good stuff to enjoy

Campaign holds up way better than I expected. There is a lot of attention to detail and it’s interesting to see what COD can be when the developers actually try
Multiplayer is still pretty fun, as well

I was very pleasantly surprised with this one
Combat is satisfying and the plot is pretty damn entertaining
The only complaints I have is that the game drags a bit near the midpoint and that it runs somewhat poorly for a current gen game, it’s basically begging to be played on stronger hardware
The gameplay does feel a bit too simplistic for its own good, too

As a campaign, not as good as the first game
Lacks of polish in certain aspects, especially level design, although the set pieces are still pretty fun to experience
As a package, it’s only the campaign, so it’s not that much value for money

It’s pretty damn fun!
Not flawless (the awful sliding sections being a big part of that) but probably the best the Mega Man formula has been so far
The music and spritework is also top notch as well

Really damn fun
It does fail a bit as a roguelike in certain aspects but as an action shooter it’s phenomenal
If this is an indication on what to expect this console generation, I’m all for it

I LOVE this game
Such a well crafted, well written and emotional experience
The few complaints I had were fixed by the Final Cut and the few nitpicks (like the stiff animations) are more than negligible in the large scheme of things

Really pleasant experience
The gameplay itself is nothing spectacular but I appreciate when a game is so extremely confident in what kind of experience it wants to deliver, especially when it has the visuals and music to make it stand out

The people who worked on this pretty much missed the point of the first game, still this sequel ended up being an alright action game with some brief sparks of brilliance but mostly just dumb as hell design choices and writing

Peak 2D Sonic (after Mania)
Didn’t bother beating it fully because the final boss is annoying as fuck to fight and kills you in one hit but maybe some day I will

Near masterpiece that unfortunately loses steam by its third route, but still well worth playing all the way through

AMAZING game I just wish the combat was a bit less repetitive and the enemy lineup more diverse but other than that it’s a certified banger

The story and main quest are pretty damn underwhelming and the pacing is glacial but there is fun to be had

Really ambitious game, perhaps a bit too much for its own good
Some characters definitely could have gotten more development and the battle system could do with some improvements but overall, it’s a great experience and the story definitely holds up

It’s got its fair share of flaws but it’s just so fucking FUN