Listen, this game is great as it is significant and pretty much every individual that doesn't live under a rock knows that. But going through this game again with a critical eye, this game has shown its age while remaining great.

First off, bonus points to this game for starting this whole lovely franchise and creating such an iconic aesthetic. From the sound, the detail of the covenant mannerisms, music, and atmosphere, it's all here.

My only real problem with this game is the level design takes a nosedive in the back half of the campaign. Compared to levels like Silent Cartographer, the missions in the back half really come off amateurish. This is most notable in the ambitiously redundant Library but also still exist within 343 Guilty Spark and Two Betrayals. It feels rushed and nowhere near as meticulously designed as the greater levels in this game or even any other Bungie Halo campaign.

Still, despite that, Halo Combat Evolved is seminal game in history and its significance shouldn't be under-appreciated.

Okay look. I love City, Asylum, and even quite a bit of Origins, but man this game is still disappointing to me all these years later. The bat-mobile gameplay comes across as overstated but quite honestly, I don't think it can be stated enough. Its bad and takes up much of the game. On top of that, the at first, compelling story, turns into something much less rewarding.


While definitely not being on the level of the original, Bioshock Infinite takes a completely different route and executes. I must admit, I didn't like this game when I played it the first time around. I loved Bioshock so much that seeing it lose its tone and atmosphere was criminal and I didn't like the game for it. Luckily, as I've grown and have a different perspective of games as a whole, I appreciated the game so much more for what it was.


While being known as woefully interior to the masterpiece of the original, Bioshock 2 is still a criminally underrated game on its own merit. The game expands the universe in interesting ways and provides additional gameplay mechanics that elevated its existence. A must-play after playing the original.

I could write a whole essay on why this game is a masterpiece but instead im gonna put it like this: This is my favorite game of all time undisputedly and made me think about games in a different way that no other games in my 20+ gaming career has.


While being the stepping stone for something much greater in its sequel, the original Borderlands is still an enjoyable time to it's own degree. The cell shaded style and raunchy humor propelled a very interesting world to be in. The main problem I have in recommending this game is how inferior and clunkier it is than its sequel. While the story is still interesting, their is a lot of jank presented here that gets in the way of an otherwise, fun experience.


Thought it was a cathartic and rewarding game that plays very well on our tendency to gravitate towards growing numbers and ranks. Fun game and compelled to play the 2nd when the time is right.


I typically review games on a scale factoring how good they are for what they're trying to be. Luckily for TMNT Shredders revenge, it executes what it is flawlessly. We've seen a small resurgence of the brawler with the likes of Streets of Rage 4 and this one operates on just as high of a level. The TMNT adaptation is done with so much care and provides a must-play experience. 9/10

I respect it for what it is but Destroy All Humans is a mixed bag experience for me. I think the wacky concepts and world carry this one pretty hard to cover for its questionable game design, even to include gameplay. Im glad I played it, but I cant say this game is as good as it should've been. Maybe 2s better, Ill have to see.


Super fun game that didn't blow me away, but didn't have to and I respect it for that. A fun, interesting, and satisficing 2 hour experience that I would highly recommend to most gamers.

3.2 is a little harsh. I dont need to go in how impactful and impressive was for its time, you know that already. Despite that, i'd argue the game has aged well and still is a brilliant game in its own right. Sure, not the best Zelda game but still is a great game nevertheless.

While being the start of one of my all time favorite series, I cant help but deny that this isn't the worst game in the classic nes series. It's noticeably clunkier than the rest but still provided a catchy concept that the later games would fly with. While certainly impactful, it doesn't age as brilliantly as the rest so unless your like me and your OCD cant handle it. I would recommend playing 2 and going from there.


A complete surprise this was. Picked up on gamepass before it left and was greeted with a memorable 20 hour experience I will not forget. I know this game got tainted with Avengers being whatever that game was, but this one deserves all the credit for how much obvious love infused craftsmanship was present. Please play this one if you have the slightest interest.

Yeah, I love this one still to this day. The music, stage design, boss battles, and most importantly, the S tier gameplay. Maybe not my favorite game in the classic series but nevertheless a perfectly great game on its own merit.


This is a rather tough one to rate. On one hand, I really loved the games multiplayer when it came out and thought it was a nice change of pace regardless of how much I was a fan of Bad Company 2's pace at the time. So on that front, the game was good and did its job too successfully to make this game a marquee title in the Battlefield franchise history.

The problem comes with the other side of the game, the Campaign. I really had a distaste for the campaign playing it this time around and ESPECIALLY having just beat Bad Company 2. Its trying to have a corny B movie Call of Duty appeal that Call of Duty campaigns had at the time but failed desperately to reach that bar. Tonally, it is a big step down from Bad Co. 2 which makes the writing tough to swallow. Maybe more offensively, this game abuses my least favorite gameplay mechanic, the quick time event. It's so lazy and does nothing but subtract to this, already mediocre experience.

That said, that's not why we play battlefield but on the same coin, that's why I couldn't recommend in 2023. Its only still relevant feature, is not worth spending your time with but to be fair and review the game in the context of when it came out, I couldn't call this game anything less than good.