June, 2024



disappointed by the last case, though not for the obvious reason
it shares a lot of the same problems of 2's last case by simply being too expositiony, with long stretches of the trial where i hold my controller in one hand and try to stay engaged.
And sometimes it's WORSE than 2's last case because V3 has a worse investigation segment

And then to address the elephant, I think the hate for the ending of the game is super misplaced.
As far as I can tell, the reason people hate it so much is because they feel it invalidates the rest of the series by saying none of it was real.
However, I think it's MORE than fair to interpret the twist as an alt-universe scenario. Obviously within the world of V3, the events of 1 and 2 were fictional. But to us in the real ass world, Danganronpa 1 and 2 are just video games that came out ages before the twist in V3 might even have been conceived. So who's to say that to us, 1 and 2 (and by extension 3 and UDG) take place in a universe where these events are just part of their own world?



You shouldn't be forced to take damage for retreating in a blade struggle, since you literally have to if you want to see the full conversation.


Why would you use the student council on Miu saying Kiyo broke in? That would only apply if Miu claimed Angie let Kiyo in.

Lie bullets are awful in V3
you lose health for even checking what they're supposed to be, which is awesome
and then on top of that, there's no consistent throughline for what's meant to be lied through
when I'm presented with a statement that blatantly contradicts the evidence I have, does that mean I have to lie, or does that mean I'm thinking along the wrong track?

Whoever told me hangman's gambit 3 was the best one LIED to me
it has one of the same problems as 2's gambit, where if you aren't using the exact same vocabulary as the game, it's far more unintuitive to get the word the game wants without either wasting all your time or using trial and error
it's not AS bad as 2's, what with the whole exploding letters and horrific RNG, but it's still not better than 1's



Logic taxi isn't nearly as good as logic dive, plus it takes way longer
And the bullet time battle is actually shit now
No rhythm with the song in the slightest, plus the classic of it taking too fucking long now

May, 2024



The updated cutscenes make conversations way more dynamic now that it can go from person to person, rather than having to swap out PNGs. Though even then, the panels that show who's talking don't accurately reflect the conversation with size, sometimes giving the biggest panel to a character that's just standing there while two other characters talk from a smaller panel.
And of course the higher resolution is always nice.

I find it funny that people consider this game's ending to be out of left field, when they seem to be hinting at an even more bizarre situation than 2 early on.

V3's first case yet again brings up the discussion of how much the meta aspects of the media are allowed to lie to the audience. It could easily be argued that not showing us any of Kaede's crime devalues the mystery surrounding the murder.



The password to the facility being 11037 is so peak

I get that it's for the mystery, but I'm so sick of series playing the pronoun game just so they can keep something mysterious. Like dawg, it's possible to make people talk normally.

I vastly prefer the ending of the first game, since you put more work into uncovering the mysteries of why you're here. In DR2, you put in far less effort for the actual mysteries, just answering a question every now and then in between the game expositing.
Despite being more bombastic than the first game's ending, I found that one to be a more satisfying combination of gameplay and story, especially since the game doesn't put on the kiddie gloves for you.





10^60 Monokumas would take up far more space than even exists in America's land


Pointing out where the octogon is made no sense. Why am I pointing out the hall?
So far, despite being just as competent as the first game, 2 doesn't quite reach the same emotional highs since the character motivations all stand on shaky ground outside of the first case.


Soda proves himself to be the less charming Yasuhiro.

Still not a fan of completely overhauling a character just to make their crime make sense, but at least this one had foreshadowing.


Peko is stupid for not understanding her own "tool" logic.
Even if Fuyuhiko lied and said she was a tool, Monokuma would still know that Fuyuhiko never ordered Peko to kill Mahiru, so her logic would never have worked anyway.

Peko's death is far less satisfying to me than Mondo's in DR1 despite me liking both characters.
Peko dying comes as a result of completely overhauling her character in the 11th hour, whereas Mondo's death is 110% informed by his character.


it's so dumb that you have to use the sprinklers bullet on 10 and not 7:30.
and why have me point out the blow to the back of the head killing her when yasuhiro already pointed that out.


while trial truth bullets are usually pretty straightforward, there are sometimes where the specific grammar or diction used as a truth bullet can be a bit unclear in its use, such as when talking about Celeste's comment near the end of chapter 3


finished chapter 2
this game might be peak
The schizo hangman gambit is a bit unfair since the word has never been used in game. In fact the clinical term used for toko's split personality isn't schizophrenia at all.
I like how Leon's handbook is used as a double red herring. Chapter 2 of the first game beats the dog piss out of 90% of Ace Attorney cases.



Strangely, having more of a story is making it more boring, since I can't just go to places and get things, I have to sit there and be told exactly what places I have to go and what things to get and WHY I have to get these things and none of it is straightforward


April, 2024



I had no idea it was a roguelike. I have made a grave error.



Yo this music fucks
