A tech demo for VR. Nothing much else to say outside of it having that Valve charm they're known for.

A fantastic title, but comes up short regarding the story, having me confused throughout, especially towards the end as everything begins to break down. Sandbox oddly enough feels empty and void of personality, despite it having great potential. Buy it, mess around with it, and maybe revisit it later in life. If you're wanting something of continuous play value, Garry's Mod is perfect for that.

A fun little platform with funny pig-latin-speaking women in it. Gets quite hard if you let it.

A one and done kind of title. Would recommend on sale, but if you've seen any gameplay of this title, you've pretty much seen it all.

I ain't good at this game, and considering the majority audience, perhaps it's best to let them git gud.

Neat game, but didn't quite grip me as much as I would've hoped, perhaps since I need friends to play it with.

I'd argue this is the most nostalgic game of all time. There truly isn't anything quite like this game for those that played it when they were younger. Sure you can feel nostalgic for other titles in kinda similar ways, but this is a completely different level of nostalgia.

A fun platforming title that feels smooth to the touch, allowing for quick movement whilst still being strict on how you go about it. The base game is simple enough, never getting too challenging, but still keeping you on your toes, namely with Train Rush being the standout level. The additional Death Wish challenges add replay value through tasks varying from fairly easy to INSANE. Combined with the DLC and Workshop support, including multiplayer and you have a fun game that'll last you a while.

It certainly is a Borderlands game, but the writing is a bit lacking in comparison to the genius that is the sequel. As a result, the game definitely feels more dry than BL2 does, and comes off as a bit more boring too. The gameplay is still engaging, even if the tone isn't quite right, and the DLC adds more value to replaying, but still comes off as I'd consider to be the weakest in the franchise.

An all time classic. Dated as all get-out, but with a modding community that SOMEHOW still exists nearly two decades later, it's remarkable what this game has done for my childhood. On top of that, it's still a solid title, and at least a better entry that Roller Coaster Tycoon World is.

A pretty fun jaunt around an island of funny snack creatures, trapping them in creative ways, and dwelling upon thoughts of existential dread and depression.

Fun for the whole family!

Note: I didn't actually play it on Vita since this title never released for that console, but I thought it would be funny if I set it to that.

With that said, this game is phenomenal. The art direction is amazing, the atmosphere is second to none, and the gameplay is really good. This game speaks volumes without stating a single world.

A fun title with the right crowd, but in the wrong hands can become a bit of a drag. Being a social game makes it require people you can talk to, and the PC branch honestly feels a bit dead, but perhaps it's because I haven't played it in a while. The capabilities of the game may be less than that of VRChat, but its accessibility in terms of world creation makes it far easier to get into things. While the SteamVR version might be a bit more manageable, the Quest version I see degrading into a child-infested pit. I would say this is the VR equivalent of Roblox, but a mixture of a slightly more mature crowd and the introduction of Roblox's own VR client makes me say otherwise.

Was great for the quarantine though!

The support this game has gotten despite its decade-long history is remarkable. I remember picking up this game around the release of Afterbirth and slowly got familiar with all the items before putting it down. Picking it up now makes it feel like a completely different game, and in the best way possible. Simply well done.

A quintessential title for anyone with VR-ready computers. It's incomprehensible how this game looks as good as it does, combined with fantastic gameplay despite VR limitations, and an atmosphere almost second to none.

Seeing videos of this is a massive disservice to everyone who's played this: FOLLOW SUIT.