I finally dusted this one off the backlog because I wanted to play the sequel. Is this my favorite game of all time? No, absolutely not. The clients were way too rigid for me to have a whole lot of fun with the actual art creation part (which I'm sure may be a deliberate choice for the sake of telling a story with the gameplay, but that still didn't make it very fun). Still, nothing beats scribbling on a canvas for 5 minutes and making several thousand dollars.

I read the entirety of this in record time, taking every moment I wasn't working or sleeping to pick it up because I needed to know what happens next. If this is one of the weaker SciAdv games, I can't wait to see what is in store for me going forward.

This game is incredibly goofy and I'm not sure I ever got particularly "good" at it, but it's one of those titles where being bad at it is almost more fun than actually playing the right notes. What a fun and quirky rhythm game, even if I found the song selection a little lacking.

This was a nice experience that was surprisingly enjoyable, given it was a 10 minute game that I bought on a whim. It's not the best thing I've ever played, but it's worth giving a try for just a few dollars.

This was such a beautiful game and it made sure to not overstay its welcome. If anything, I actually wish it had been a little longer because I loved the very light puzzle elements and would have enjoyed seeing more while further exploring the emotional story.

I'm really sad that I didn't enjoy this. I picked it up as part of a larger bundle because it looked really interesting, but it plays more like a minigame that happens to feature dating, as opposed to a full dating simulator. It also only takes 20-30 minutes to go through a route, which isn't long enough to really get to know the various relationships. It just wasn't very fun in the end.

This is barely a game. It's more like a 5 minute animated slideshow that showcases some cute art and an abstract, yet touching, story. It was interesting enough to inspire me to try picking up other work from the developers, but I wouldn't say it is much on its own. It is free, though, so it's worth giving a try.

I have mixed feelings on this. The music is phenomenal and the whole game just oozes a sense of unique style that is unlike anything I've ever played before. It's also an incredibly frustrating mess to play from a modern standpoint and hasn't aged particularly well. I'm glad I experienced it, but also never want to play it again.

As a game, I wouldn't say it's anything particularly impressive. It's just a traditional PS2-era 3D platformer. As a love letter to the classic Spongebob cartoons from my childhood, however, it's one of the most wonderfully nostalgic experiences I've ever had.

I'm so glad this franchise finally game to main consoles so I could play it, as someone who gets headaches playing on handheld devices. Final Fantasy is my favorite series of all time, so of course Theatrhythm would be the perfect celebration of everything I love. In fact, I probably enjoy this more than some of the mainline entries.

I absolutely adore this game and I replay it nearly every year. In fact, it's probably my most replayed video game of all time. It's so easy to sit down and run through the whole experience in a single sitting, and I love it for that.

Is this the best game that I've ever played? Probably not, and the score I'm giving it is probably a little overinflated. That said, this is exactly the game that I dreamed of having as a child in love with the books and films. I can't wait to see what the developers do next.


This was a short and reasonably fun puzzle/adventure title. I did spend a fair amount of time aimlessly wandering with no plan, which made the constant death loop mechanic a little frustrating at times. Still, I beat it 4 times in a row and earned the platinum, so I clearly must have found something to enjoy.

I didn’t personally have quite as good of a time with the sequel as I did with the original. This probably stems from this being intended more as a co-op title, and the AI companion you get if you aren’t playing with someone else can make the game either way easier or way harder than it needs to be, depending on the circumstance. It was still puntastic and had me laughing the whole way through, so I really hope more of these are made


A short and sweet puzzle platformer that does not overstay its welcome. Highly recommend to anyone needing to kick back and relax for an evening!