I love these sandbox collectable adventure games. The blocky art style and hilarious writing with the pop culture references are what I love seeing. Being able to revisit areas after unlcoking new mechanics or getting the final "thing" for a gather quest and collecting coin to purchase upgrades for this or that makes for a fun title imo. A beach adventure with a sci-fi twist.

A great adventure platformer where each level in built from mountains of releveant items to the level's subject. Lots of puzzles and a great story between two friends and the adventures they share. A quick game with great writing and design.

An adventure title where you have to figure out what happened to the fellow astronauts on the Tacoma space station by using AR tech and various angles in each room to get a full understanding of the scene before you. It was a fun title to play and worth an afternoon exploring.

I've always been a fan of Sudoku puzzles since I first learned about them and this application is a good format of the game with three game modes, standard, irregular, and ice breaker. Yet, I found that even the expert levels could be finished quickly. I would love to see more of the Grandmaster difficulty, but maybe with some unique grid rules.

The achievements are nice and don't take too much to finish outside of time and daily check ins.

The best of the Microsoft Puzzle Collection games imo. With 5 game types, Klondike, Spider, FreeCell, Pyramid, & TriPeaks there is a lot of content to play. There are daily challenges and events that will provide plenty for you to return everyday. With Game Pass, you also get the ad-free version and have the ability to play older monthly challenges so you can dig in and grind out the achievements.

I deleted the app once I got the final achievement but know that this is a great Solitaire app to play again if I ever get that itch.

I don't remember much about this game outside of it being a title I finished in less than 30 minutes. It was someone's project which I can respect but there isn't anything that I can recall about this game outside of looking at the images from the achievements on Xbox. Play for the achievements if you need a quick 1K gamerscore.

This is a great representation of Disneyland and a fun way to "visit" the park without travel. I would recomend this for kids as I found the mini-games fun and I am a huge fan of collectable games. There is plenty of things to do and a lot of characters, including ones that you can't see at the park anymore like the cast of Splash Mountain.

I started this for a Game Pass Challenge and ended up liking it enough to finish. I wouldn't play it again but would easily suggest this for a younger player if someone asked for my recomendation.

Carrion was a awesome change of form for the standard "You're the hero" game. This time you are the monster (or are you?), a creature trapped in a science lab trying to escape and grow through consuming energy and killing the people that have locked you up.

The art style is great for a pixel style and the animations are fluid and spark reaction multiple times with the detailed destruction you cause. There are lots of mechanics and abilities to unlock and learn how to stealth through the map, or go on the offensive when needed.

It is an experience that I would recommend to anyone as it was a unique experience to me and I found a lot of people enjoyed it as much as I did.

A comfy game about a bird named Claire on a camping trip with her Aunt, trying to get cell service. Through her hike to the top of the mountain, she meets lots of friends and helps them with various tasks.

The game has lots of fun mini games and collectibles to find and reminds me of Animal Crossing in the way of a community on the island. Worth a play and I would love to see more of this in the future.

Excited to see this added to NSO as I have it on my 3DS and have been wanting to play it again. This is the 1st time I finished the game and have less than 40 cards to collect. Challenging and a fun way to play classic TCG.

You are taught the basics of the original TCG at the start and have 8 gyms and an Elite 4 and Champion to defeat like the main line games. Each gym and trainer has a deck built off of one or two types of Pokémon and the game provides plenty of strategies to progress and have decks build for you as you grind out booster packs.

A great daily game of Mahjong. There are challenges and plenty of puzzles to complete with unlockable customizations for tiles & boards. You have to pay for a subscription to access older puzzles prior to the current month, but playing this every morning for over a year was still a fun experience.

A lovely visual novel with a good story of, Honor, a former actress turned private detective after the murder of her boss. She partners with a robot named SCOUT who is trying to figure out their past and where they came from while helping Honor solve murder cases. The game uses picross puzzles to uncover evidence which is used to open dialogue lines in the story.

Great artwork and music as well. Worth checking out.

(Game Pass) This is an experience. A well written story with great acting and visuals. A huge branching selection tree that promises lots of replayability. Unfortunately there is no skip feature for seen scenes. 100% achievements.

(Game Pass) Finished this a few days back but haven't got all the achievements (Survival Difficulty). Regardless, this was a fantastic RE style game in space with great puzzles and inventory management. Worth the play.

(Game Pass) A noir detective game with animals and pixel art design. Good story and lots of detail to the communication in the story. Various options to explore but buggy when it comes to achievements, 100% obtained.