The first DLC for Vampire Surivors and the larget map (at the time). Having a detailed map unlike the large plains that you would explore in the main game was nice and the new slew of characters and how you have to play each of them and max their weapons to unlock the next made replayability high and brought a lot of great items to the game.

Taking what was great about the first games in Generation 1, Pokemon Yellow only adds more story to the games with an adaptation of the anime where you start with Pikachu and have to defeat Team Rocket, gather the 8 Gym badges, and defeat the Elite 4 to become Champion. With new sprite designs and additions like Jessie and James, its a great game for fans of the show that haven't played the original games.

There is a lot of influence from the Pikmin series as you play a shrunken human on an unknown world (someone's house) that is trying to return home via a ship made of various parts from around this world (household items). To help you traverse the planet and overcome obstacles, you use the help of small creatures called Tinykins.

There are five types of Tinykins, the strong purple, the explosive red, the climbable green, the electric blue, and the bridge building yellow. Over the course of 6 levels, you will obtain a finite amount of these creatures and find them in batches, making it to where you will revisit sections of a level when you get what you need to get higher or move past a destructible wall (for example). While you explore, you gather pollen to help one of the various insect peoples create tonics for you to gain the ability to hover across distances with bubbles. Each level provides opportunity to gain more and use them in further and further distances. You also gain a "soapboard" which is a small bar of soap that you can skate on to move around quicker and grind on silkworm strings as you unlock them.

So really, this feels like a Honey, I Shrunk the Kids style concept but with the Pikman assistance and a Paper Mario style design (3D worlds and 2D characters). I enjoyed playing but lost interest in the story after a while. However, I would play a sequel.

The latest game from creator, Sam Barlow, Immortality is an interactive game where you must scrub recovered archive footage of fictional actress Marissa Marcel to discover what happened to her after a 30+ year career in film. Over three decades, you find footage from three films, 1968's erotic thriller Ambrosio, the 1970's detective mystery Minsky, and the 2000's thiller Two of Everything (all fictional films).

You start with a single video where Marisa is on the game's version of The Late Show and is talking about her first film Ambrosio and how it wasn't released, and that her next film Minsky was being made with the Director of Photography of her first film, leading this second one as the Director. To gather additional scenes, you must enter an image mode where you can highlight a person or thing as your subject and you will be taken to another clip containing the selected option. So from talk show you could click on Marissa to see another scene she was in, the host to watch another interview, a chair to be directed to scenes with chairs in them, and so on.

This will eventually run you through all three films and behind the scenes footage where you start to find that things had changed for Marissa since she first started working in the industry. Seeing how she has adapted to the work and how she sees others. New questions will arise as off the scene comments are said or references to something that happened in the film or behind the camera. You must figure out what caused her to vanish.

Additionally, the film allows you to play it at various speeds or frame by frame and even backwards. It is here that the true story of the game is hidden in subliminal footage of a woman known as "The One" will discuss scenes as an outside participating party, that is never shown in the scene unless played in reverse. The story really picks up intrique with these secrets and by the end of the game you have experiences one of the best games (imo) of the last few years.


Lovely game of a post-human world where a cat is trying to find its way back to the outside world with the help of a small drone friend after falling into a city locked away. Gorgeous game and lovely story.

There are small collectable sets and lots of depth to the world you explore. The cat is super cute and makes me think of my own pets while I play.

You play as Edith Finch, returning to her family home after their deaths years before. Exploring the towering structure that represents each member of the family, you learn their stories and mvoe towards an acceptance of your past.

If you like explorative puzzle games, this is a good one to check out. Its nice and short and another artistic story driven game from Annapurna Interactive.

HONK HONK HONK! You play as a goose and cause mayhem. What more do you need? Silly gameplay and lots of things to play with as a goose on an adventure into the local village.

A simple premise where you unpack boxes in multiple locations and learn the story of the girl that is moving into each area. From a young girl, to a college student, to a family, you will find more and more of her life in the boxes she carries. There are little references to pop culture and previous chapters of the game. It is super relaxing and has so much passion put into its development, such as the audio being made for every item placed on every surface. A must play.

This was a great story driven title that reminds me of a stage play. A relationship is torn apart by the destructive actions of a man's past decisions. The story is played out over 12 minutes and rewinds to the beginning to unlock all aspects of the story and discover the truth. With a stellar voice cast and a story that has a twist ending, this is a good title to play and experience.

I finished the main game before the DLC came out, but don't have interest in going back to play, let alone purchase DLC for a sandbox train game.

If you are a fan of trains, or have a little one that likes them, this is a fun game for that reason. Outside of that, I can't say much about this title except that it is a quick 1k gamerscore.

A good entry in the series and a tie in for the comics (not the show). I don't remember much from this game like the others from the main series from Telltale but it was a good and short title to introduce someone to the series if they are a fan of the show and want to follow the fan favorite titular character.

The third season is a good change of pace for the story of TellTale's The Walking Dead. Having a new lead character and moving Clementine to the side as a hardened teen and supporting player was a good move for "this" season. Bringing the story into a community environment reminds me of The Govenor in the show. At the time I didn't have access to the final season and am getting ready to play it and wrap up this story.

While not as powerful as the first season, the story of Clementine continues with a great second season and a story that I enjoyed and was happy to see reunions of friends and the story with new characters.

You have to play the first season to get the full story.

There are not many games that provide the passion and influence in its story like TWD: S1. Lee and Clementine are great characters that you truely can feel a bond to and react to their situations like you do with your favorite characters in the show. I'm happy that the game story was finished after what happened with TellTale closing, and enjoyed replaying this game on each system that I download it on.

If you are a fan of the show or comic, or of the choose your own adventure genre, play this. You won't find much better than this first season.

The Turning Test has a great story that I really wish was longer than the "10 hour" story that I played. The puzzles are very reminesant of Portal and the mystery of what is happening to you in this abandoned space station made for a strong game.