Very beautifully and intelligently written story, complex characters, hilarious dialogue and a lot of weight into your decisions that makes you feel really invested.

Disappointing. Incredibly tedious gameplay, good characters, boring plot.

Great concept, great music, made me realize I hate roguelikes.

Disappointing sequel, ok gameplay, boring plot, feels mostly like a rehash of 1. FANTASTIC dlc.

Amazing, super fun and great story with a good twist, so much better than the base game.

Played way more hours of this than I should have.

Probably the only actual perfect score I'd give to a game, everything about the gameplay, plot, characters and music is absolutely nailed.

Fantastic, groundbreaking, brought down by its shitty saving system.

Fantastic, groundbreaking, good saving system.

Brought down by excessive boring vehicle levels (particularly the planes and the bike) but balanced up by the addition of the iconic time trials which are SUPER fun to do.

Almost perfect, brought down by a bunch of little issues and slight lack of polish.

The definitive Crash experience.

Somehow a massive improvement of an already fantastic game.