Absolutely phenomenal game. Took everything from Breath of the Wild and improved it. I was really surprised at how fresh and new the world felt even though it was fundamentally the same as BotW’s. Several moments of awe throughout the entire game, a consistently joyous adventure.

A really solid first half completely ruined by its second act. Making the player go back through areas we’ve already visited not only removes tension because we already know what’s coming, but it’s made painfully annoying by having the entire back half of the game be an escort mission. The frustration I felt completely overshadowed any genuinely good moments I had by the end of the game.

An insanely good, and extremely special game to me. All the characters are extremely memorable with fantastic character development, especially for Neku. The art style speaks for itself with how amazing it looks and the soundtrack is phenomenal. Great gameplay with the dual screen setup and it’s one of the few DS games that actually warrants having two screens. The story is fantastic with really good themes and messages about learning to value life and everything around it. Love this game so much


A wonderful adventure full of mystery and intrigue. Collecting the manual pages and uncovering things about the world through context clues and solving puzzles was such a wonderful experience. Some difficulty spikes keep this from being a perfect game for me, but by the time I was done and finished the game’s wonderful final puzzle, I was left with an unforgettable experience that I wish I could do all over again. Great art style and music.

One of my favorite Kingdom Hearts stories unfortunately gated behind at the time terribly grindy gacha gameplay. The game nowadays is just a theater mode since Square Enix shut down the servers a couple years ago, but god damn it do I love this game’s story. This game more than any other KH game NEEDS a Re:Union X desperately.

Surprisingly not that bad. I really enjoyed the main Reassemble campaign, I liked the story, the characters were great with some like Hulk being better than their MCU counterparts in my opinion. The gameplay is okay for what it is, but the main problem with it lies in the post game. Grinding upon grinding upon grinding. Unfortunately as well, the game is getting no more support, meaning all the build up to Captain Marvel and the Kree invasion was for nothing.

A great mobile game, heck even a good game in general. I think. Gacha is predatory, but honestly not entirely necessary. Save for the high end difficulty stuff and Spiral Abyss, nothing really NEEDS a 5 star character or weapon. It makes things easier, sure, but it’s not exactly pay to win. However actually leveling up your characters, weapons, and even just getting artifacts is a huge grind. There is no way around that. The story is good at moments, the characters are charming, the music is great, and the graphics are good especially for a mobile game. I just wish this were a game I could spend $60 on and get a complete experience, none of the gacha hassle.

Somewhat shallow in the fighting mechanics, but I love this game’s story mode. One of my favorite DBZ soundtracks out there, and while the game’s definitely aged visually there is so much love and care put into recreating iconic moments from the show in the game’s story cutscenes. Simple, but good stupid fun.

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Great atmosphere, visuals, and music. Especially liked this game’s version of the Otherworld, and thought it was a nice unique spin on it. The story is ok, with the final part definitely being the best story wise, especially with the looping apartment section. Writing however was pretty bad for the most part. It’s not a terrible time, if you have an hour or two to kill and you’re a Silent Hill fan, I’d say it’s worth playing through once. The final chase scene is horrible though, and made me quit the game and look up the last five minutes online.

This is the most 10/10 8/10 game out there. Fantastic characters, fantastic music, extremely interesting world and lore. The only thing bogging it down is the repeated playthroughs for the other routes not being super different from each other. Much better than Automata to me.

Never did I think a puzzle game could be this breathtaking. Great puzzles, fantastic music, and stellar story. All par for the course for a Professor Layton game, but Unwound Future goes beyond that, creating one of the most heartfelt, beautiful games I’ve ever played.

A joyous little town simulator with your Miis that is full of charm and personality. I love all the interactions the Miis have, and even though you’re really not doing a whole lot yourself mainly just observing, it’s still extremely entertaining. Unfortunately I feel like you run out of new things to see a bit too quickly. Eventually the Miis will start talking about things they’ve already talked about, they’ll have the same dreams, same thoughts and games to play. If they ever made a sequel (which they should) much more variety is needed.

One of the longest journeys in video games I’ve ever played, but one that was well worth it. Endwalker is a beautiful, near perfect end to one of my favorite games of all time. It’s one of the few endings to a game I’ve been completely satisfied with, which I feel like is a surprisingly difficult thing to do. Tying up nearly all loose ends for the massive cast of characters we’ve come to meet throughout our journey seems like a Herculean task, and yet they nail it. Fantastic story, fantastic music, great bosses and dungeons. There is little I can say negative about Endwalker. This cements Final Fantasy XIV as one of the greatest games of all time.

A lot of great ideas, but a lot of broken/misleading promises from the devs. Exploration is fantastic, finding all the tears, discovering new locations, gliding and climbing is all a lot of fun. Unfortunately there’s just not a lot to do. There’s only two classes, with one new class being teased since before launch last year and it’s still not in the game. Quest design is getting better with the most recent patch, but to be honest the story rework is what the game should’ve launched as. And the new story rework is only for the first maybe 1/10 of the game. Past that quest design is dreadfully repetitive, they keep adding new currencies for new cosmetics, creating a bloat of stuff to collect, they didn’t keep their promise of one major patch every quarter, they have borderline MLM schemes with their discord and referring people to get items in game. I’m time this game could be fantastic, and I did play all the way to endgame. But this game should’ve spent much more time in the oven, they’re only recently adding things that should’ve been in from the start.