41 Reviews liked by TheRealZackEgg

This game improves upon the problems in the second and has possibly the best cases in the series. The last case is a beautiful end to the series with how it concludes a bunch of different character arcs and brings back the best song in the series. I also love games with multiple playable characters.

Sometimes Nintendo makes a game just to remind everyone that they are still the best at what they do.

10/10. The combat was improved even more in regards to the last two releases. The story, characters and tie ins continue to be engaging, even more than ever. The graphic fidelity problem was also fixed giving this game the ultimate status in the trilogy.


justice for all is most often seen as the worst of the original ace attorney trilogy and i mean it is but i think a lot of people dismiss this game which kinda sucks because it has some great moments that are some of my favorite in the series

the opening case is shit and i wont try to redeem it. they used amnesia in one of the worst ways they could and also do the thing i didn't like about the first game where they show you the killer in the opening.

reunion and turnabout however is a great second case and i feel like a lot of people overlook it. i think that the worldbuilding it gives to the fey clan as a whole as well as making me care about maya more was really well done

turnabout big top is definitely the most clowned on case in the entire franchise (pun not intended i swear) and while a lot of the witnesses are extremely annoying and the whole regina subplot is just wrong in so many ways,..... acro is a great character and i wish he could've been in a better case

last is farewell my turnabout which is such a fun ride. the drama in this case is some of the best you will find in the entire series and i think anyone who has played this game will agree with me that it is easily a top 3 all time ace attorney case

overall justice for all is a mixed bag but its highs are extremely high and farewell my turnabout is my favorite case in the entire trilogy so i have to give it points for that

Adds more mechanics to the original and new music, however the 3rd case sucks and is about two older men having a love triangle with a 16 year old which isn't treated as weird at all, and they removed the best song from the original.

I think it will take awhile for me to fully form my opinions on Tears of the Kingdom, but what I can say right now is that it is the most fun I have had playing a game. There is just so much in it to engage with, and the flexibility and ridiculousness of its mechanics leads to so many amazing player-driven moments. While I do have a long list of criticisms about it, its best bits massively outweigh those issues.

Final Fantasy 5 is called Final Fantasy 5 because the only way they could redeem themselves after making such a boring Final Fantasy was to release 5 really good ones afterwards

after 10 or so years since playing it for the first time, I was happy to find that I had forgotten pretty much ever puzzle in the game and was able to have that feeling of figuring stuff out again. good shit.

The creativity shown by the variety of guns and enemies in this games makes this game good. It also has one of the most satisfying sounds I've ever heard when you activate the Oubliette. I wish there were more ways to progress in between runs rather than unlocking new guns and gaining experience because often when you die it feels like you wasted a lot of time accomplishing nothing. Game balance is a little off, some guns are really op and you can pretty easily get enough blanks to flawless the final boss w/o dodging.

I have a lot to say about this game

Beat the whole thing sittin in the laundromat which is pretty funny to think about really. Warioware is a series that to me is like playable candy or bubblewrap, it may not be the most complex thing ever made but it's minigame gauntlet style is enticing enough to the point where I don't think its possible for me to dislike literally any of these games ever. Touched! (still a weird name but im over it i guess, the "touched" mini series of nintendo games always was weird so lol) is no exception as this feels like a precursor to the one on the Wii which is the only one i havent finished at All now, much to my dismay!!
I think if you were really to dig teeth and nail for gripes to have with WWT you could say "wow this was too short" or "wow nintendo rly? MIC FUNCTIONS? get real! blow it out your ass nintendo!! rahhh!" like nah i had a lot of fun, made waiting for the laundry a breeze and even though i got some funny looks in there for blowing on my 3DS lookin like a whole looney bitch, idgaf! LMAO if anything that made it more enjoyable

I actually forgot the robot guy was a character, i cant recall if Mike shows up in any wariowares afterwards but he probably does, im just moreso a Mona/Jimmy/9-Volt type of fan so if he does thats why I didnt rlly notice him.
The climax to the "story mode" is also pretty fun!

Shit go for it, play it, its warioware babe. thats all i got

No doubt about it; this is the best WarioWare game. Super charming and great microgames to boot. Here's hoping the next one on the Switch is gonna be any good!

The best WarioWare game. So many wonderful memories with this one and very creative.

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