Never have I ever played a 3D platformer that gave me such a visceral reaction as this game did. I thought I just didn't like 3D platformers anymore because of it. Everything in this game is the epitome of obnoxious, between absolute garbage level design, camera and controls functioning as well as trying to run on a treadmill on ice while being sprayed with water in the face, to the entire game having the sound design of slapstick kids commercial for the newest Slime Toy TM. If you give this game anything above 3 stars I genuinely feel bad for you of how you lie to yourself. Just go play Mario 64 if you want a good platformer from that era.

Genuinely one of the drabbest and most boring pieces of media I've encountered. And it's not even the best at doing that. There are so many better games that accomplish a medieval fantasy world in a much better way. This game is like watching metal rust over the course of 20 years. At least mods add the fun and make the game tolerable.

How am I nostalgic for a game I literally just beat

This game is great if you like Ace Attorney and are also missing half your frontal lobe


Watched my girlfriend play this. She cried, I cried, we crode together

Stole this game from Gamestop and it was worth every penny I didn't spend

After ending hunger and creating world peace, Nobel prize winner Dr. Derek Yu set out for his next adventure. After finding pure, unaltered Rogueium in a cave in the Sahara desert, Dr. Yu used it to create Spelunky. This game is an accurate representation of his adventures in that cave, and a reflection on the chaotic nature of life. This game is the most perfect piece of art ever created, and we should be blessed that we are alive to experience it. Thank you Dr. Yu, thank you.

This is one of those retro series that only survived as long as it did because of the Nintendo name. I feel bad for you if you like this game because it was either the only game you owned as a child or the only game that was loud enough to cover up your parent's fighting. Thank god this series is just about dead because a new game would sell 3 copies at most. Stop letting Miyamoto cook PLEASE.

I played and beat this on a calculator, great game

Everytime I play this game I find something new and that's insane

Great game, just should not have had a roguelike emphasis

I used to think that these older Pokemon games were cool novelties that did not stand the test of time at all. Hell, for years gen 2 was my least favorite out of any of them. I shiny hunted Celebi on the VC version of this game and stopped playing immediately after. I never really "got" Crystal or the hype around it. After SV pushed me away from the series, I came back with a real Gameboy Color (custom of course) and an official Crystal cartridge. Now that I've beaten Red, I can easily say that I was so wrong.

I forgot what it was like for these games to actually feel like an RPG with an end goal to reach for. I forgot how much smaller details got put into the world to make it feel more alive. Legendaries actually feeling like legends that you can find and catch for yourself, rather than the game just handing them to you. So many other components that make these games so special are highlighted in Crystal, and it made me love this series again.

This game definitely isn't perfect, and it's not going to suddenly be my favorite Pokemon game. But after the Switch's output of mostly okay-at-best pokemon games this was such a nice refresher, and a reminder as to why I still love this series after 15 years.

This game made me discover I had a perfect Mii voice impression