It was all downhill from here after completing this one tbh

I won a game for the first time on this day I creamed my jeans

I want to squash Teddie with a gigantic hammer

Better combat than XC2 and incredible story. Annoying side quest grind tho

Not as good as 2 but honestly a bit overhated.

The weakest entry in the series, also held back a ton by performance. Still has that solid platinum game feel to it despite that.

A DS gem that while I think gets a little bit too much hype, is still definitely worth playing. Be prepared for some difficulty spikes and longish sections with not a lot happening.

Loved BoTW but this game felt like such a big disappointment in comparison. It hits the exact same notes as BoTW, while also not significantly improving on BoTW's structure gameplay or story-wise.