If you own a Switch, you owe it to yourself to at least try this one out.

It's good, but if you say it's good in front of me, I will fight you.

Altera was the best part, WAY too much Nero wank.

It's good, except when it isn't. But then it is. 10/10 Hisui route made me get up and walk around the house for a bit, contemplating it.

This is a bit of a hard one to rate, since Extra as a game is so... Experimental? Weird? It tries a lot of interesting and different things to try and convey the sort of feeling you'd get with the back-and-forth of Servant battles in the original VN. Thing is, most of the time, it sucks. The core gameplay loop is essentially glorified rock-paper-scissors, where guessing wrong one too many times means an easy and instant game over. Playing this is like pulling teeth, and it practically DEMANDS the use of savestates, save scumming, or just straight cheats.

All that said, the game is utterly oozing with soul and love for the characters, such that it's almost possible to forgive the gameplay. Definitely worth checking out for that alone, if you can get past the rough exterior.

Deceptive naming aside, this had no right being as good as it was. Music courtesy of Go Shiina really elevated this game to heights (ha) that it wouldn't have reached otherwise.

"Go Dance with the Angels!" Despite how overly cheesy this one is compared to its predecessors, I can't help but feel AC6 manages to come across as just that much more sincere for it, which is an achievement in a series so already dripping in sincerity as it is. The large scale of the battlefields encouraging different approaches to missions, as well as your hyper-competent allies results in an experience that has yet to be truly replicated by the series since.

It'd be easy to dock points for the admittedly half-baked and at times shaky writing, but the fact that it manages to still hit when it wants to hit, and the DLC missions managing to deliver a spectacle all in of itself, gives it some leeway. Also Daredevil makes this at least 4 stars automatically.

Ace Combat made by Ace Combat fans, who understand what makes Ace Combat so special. A unique setting, unhinged plot, and killer music courtesy of Jose Pavli delivers a truly special take on the long-proven formula laid down by the AC franchise. If you're a fan of those games, you're bound to love this one.

Hey wow a Three Houses spinoff with all the same issues as the base game, just with a MUCH better protagonist. Crazy!

Using Lyn with Astra crashed my Switch several times.

A fresh take on the series which offers a lot of bold and interesting ideas, and then fails to properly follow up on or deliver on any of them.