Childhood game. I'm not too good at it, but it has been a strategy game that I have come back to many times in my life and I thoroughly enjoy it each time

The gameplay took a backseat compared to the first 2 but the lore was much more comprehensible which i did enjoy. Some of the rng (while not as bad as 2) on the latter nights is questionable but otherwise its a pretty fun horror game. don't see myself coming back to it as much as 1 or 2 though

game took me 24 hours of the course of just under 4 years to beat. Still kept coming back to it every now and then because of how good it is. Finally beat it a few days ago and would strongly recommend anyone who's dropped it to pick it up again and beat it. The ending is definitely worth it

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Up there with ringed city from DS3 and the old hunters from Bloodborne as one of the best dlcs ever created, for an already phenomenal base game. This took me a lot longer to beat due to the horror elements in the game that scared me shitless, but with the help of a friend who had beaten the base game and its dlc beforehand watching and sometimes guiding me into the right direction without spoiling the gameplay elements of the game, i was finally able to beat it. Added tremendously to the experience of the outer wilds and would recommend anyone who enjoyed the base game to at least try it out. Its at a bit of a different pace to the base game but still manageable

The cayo perico heist was the only redeemable quality about this shitfest. Allowed you to actually make money within a reasonable amount of time. And of course they nerfed it so that starting another one solo will take like 2 and a half hours and with someone like 1. made getting items a kinda fun grind to actual hell for new players

Some of the missions in this game are really really bad, combat is very barebones even compared to San andreas (i played it beforehand) and i didnt really care that much for the silent protagonist compared to other rockstar games protagonists. Aside from this however i liked the story and atmosphere a lot, and aside from the final area, the map was utilised well. I might not come back to this game compared to other rockstar games in the future but was still worth playing if you can find a way to play this game.

The jump from GTA 3 to this game is genuinely insane. Vice City improves on almost every single aspect of gta 3 and is probably my favorite game in the original trilogy. Tommy Vercetti is a great protagonist and Vice City is definitely the world that I was invested in the most compared to SA and especially 3. While it does have its flaws, as finishing the game requires you to max out most businesses in the game which if you don't know how to make money efficiently doing so can be a tedious grind, and the steam port was so bad I had to download the mod Silent Patch just to be able to play the game, the story of this game along with the great cast of characters is what makes it one of my favorite GTA games, and would highly recommend playing it if you can find a means to.

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It's ok. For a AAA game that costs full price it is wayyy too short. After playing 2 the combat is a bit rough around the edges but so was 1 and i'd say the combat has been improved with new venom abilites fun, albeit a bit annoying to activate mid combat. This games story and open world are probably its weakest links though. I don't know what I was expecting out of a 6-8 hour long campaign, but a bland open mainly filled with short side missions a couple collectables, mixed in with 2 really bland villains definitely left a sour taste in my mouth. The villains in 1 weren't much better, especially the majority of sinister 6 as without prior knowledge you would only have them around for 1-2 missions and would take them out about as fast as they entered, but Doc Ock at least had a lot more time to be developed and I enjoyed him far more than Krieger and Phin. You just can't develop villains in a video game in that short amount of time, and it resulted in Krieger coming off as a mid version of Devon Western from GTA V and Phin going from best friend to worst enemy in the span of like an hour. Overall while I do think that this game is worth playing before 2 to understand miles' backstory, paying full price for this game is something that I just can't recommend, and given the choice to buy either this or 2, I'd say just buy 2 and watch the summary video at the start of the game for a quick recap

With my only experience in 3d mario games beforehand being 3d world odyssey and parts of 64 ive played, Galaxy definitely stands out as it puts a greater emphasis on the story of rosalina and the worldbuilding as a whole which I really appreciated. My only real complaints is the one of the galaxies I didn't really enjoy that much (fire and ice one) and that at times the movement was a bit clunky, but this was only in specific parts where the perspective shifted a lot and doesn't take away too much from the experience.
Really enjoyed this game and am looking forward to playing and beating the other games in 3d allstars, especially 64 as the jump from odyssey to it was a bit jarring for me, specifically how the worlds are set up in that game compared to odyssey

This DLC aims to add more character to the already existing villains that were underdeveloped in SM1, which I appreciated a lot. While it isn't too long, standing at around a 6 hour completion time, it uses this time well as to add to the characters of Hammerhead, Black Cat, and Silver Sabre which I appreciated a lot, as Black Cat especially was incredibly underused in the main game. The story itself was alright, nothing groundbreaking but somewhat enjoyable. Seeing Hammerheads development as a character was interesting. The bonus content while not adding much was also enjoyable. The ultimate scores for screwballs challenges are borderline impossible to get but since 100%ing the game only requires a spectacular score, getting one is definitely manageable and only took me 1 or maybe 2 attempts for each challenge. Crime bases were annoying as compared to the main game there was only one group of enemies, making them incredibly repetitive and boring at times. Their bonus challenges also are awful and specifically the final ones in the last dlc pack are borderline impossible, getting insanely high combos on enemies that are just not fun to fight. The collectibles on offer were also enjoyable to get, and hearing the audio logs around the respective characters was interesting. Overall good experience and doesn't take too long to beat or 100%. Good time killer if you have a weekend spare.

Really great game. While it's quite short it says a lot with no spoken worlds. Game is bleak and although it turned me off at first after coming back to the game I appreciated it a lot. The gameplay while very minimalistic creates really interesting puzzles that are fun to do. Ending of the game is also insane. Definitely worth playing

One of the better rage games I've played. While I vastly prefer Getting Over It to this the unique artstyle and more open movement made playing, quitting, and then almost 2 years later returning to beat it quite an endearing experience. If you want to get into rage games or just have some fun with friends for a couple nights, this is probably a good start.