I literally only remember the farting and burping loading screens and the weird overworld

This really is a prologue for the second game. But the 3rd and 5th cases as well as the characters are really good l can't help but love it.

I play this at arcades after work dude its super fucking fun big mikasa mikoto main. Also got me interested into some other light novel series.

Non canon of course but it has way more soul then any 3d anime fighter these days.
Also the character interactions are top notch

Better combat then the first but way less interesting of a game . Also has a way worse protagonist

I'm a casual GG fan, though I've been playing since the first game on PS1. Strive just didn't jive with me, no matter how many times I try and go back to it. It's just a step back from Rev 2 and +R in everyway to me, from complexity to content.

Its a way more enjoyable version of fes.
I don't like the music as much l do think its worse.
The atmosphere is different but l still like it a lot.
The anime cutscenes are better but yukari's attempted awakening is way better in fes.
The fucking ending scene in reload had me bawling my eyes out. Like it way more.
the little interludes for the male party members are really good too koromaru best boy.

This is actually a really fun fma 2003 side story but the gameplay is so boring and there is so much of it.
The bosses are really cool though

Worst in the series because of how bad its pacing is.
Its got way too much fluff but its great build up for mask of truth

This game has so much fanservice in it its amazing
Its super cracked but l love it a lot play it in arcades after work
SHinn main

This shit is miserable to play.
I've put nearly 30 hours into this shit and have not had one bit of fun. I love fromsoft weird jank but this isn't it.

>play this game for like 20 hours
>get to the 2nd area and realized i spent 20 hours grinding on tutorial island.

i dropped it soon after

Alan is trapped in hell and the cool black guy wrote a musical to make fun of him.