A game about escaping your problems I happened to play as I flew halfway across the world just to get away from it all. Sadly, as Firewatch teaches us both trough its narrative and metanarrative, your problems will follow you wherever you go, and one day you'll just have to turn around and face the music. Beautiful artstyle, great story. If you don't like walking simulators, don't even bother.


Severely flawed and massively inferior to both Yakuza Zero and Yakuza Kiwami 2. Still, it manages to be a good time. Story, graphics, music, voice acting all shine, but combat sucks and there's a lot of filler, I can only guess they didn't want to make it as short as the original Yakuza 1 after Yakuza 0, so they crammed a bunch of shit into it. It still manages to be good despite its flaws.

(Series S/1080p/60fps)

The internet is right on this one. Its not a bad game but its an insane step down from I and III. You can tell Miyazaki was working on Bloodborne. Still good tho.

(Series S/1080p/60fps)

I don't know what people here are on. It's a short spin-off for the Xbox Live Arcade. It expands on the story, has better gameplay and drops a shit ton of lore. It's great, I really enjoyed it.

(Series X/585p/60fps)

Better gameplay than the first one and just as funny. A good time all around. Final boss is garbage tho.

(Series X/PC/4K/60fps)

Blows Kiwami 1 out of the water

Sayama my beloved

(Series X/1080p/30fps)

...that's it?

(Series X/4K/60fps/Raytracing off)

Controls like shit with controller but it was pretty fun regardless

(Series X/4K/60fps/Raytracing off)

Everyone who didn't like this one has a massive skill issue. "But le story bad!!!1!1" who gives a fuck, I'm a vampire hunting cowboy beating the shit out of every demon I see. The game has problems, yeah but the story being mid is such a non-issue. The combat is awesome and that's all that matters. Loses some points because of some boring ass "puzzles" and because it runs poorly on console, but it's still a must play if you're good at action games.

(Series X/1080p/60fps)

Peak narrative gaming, near to The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us

Not a big fan of its over-reliance on qtes tho


A mixed bag

(Series X/4K/60fps)

One of the best Yakuza games
One of the best JRPGs I've ever played
Peak story, gameplay, characters, humor
City is vibrant and full of life, legacy characters are treated with the respect they deserve
Main and side content are both as fun and appealing as each other
A cast of characters that feel like family by the end
One of the best soft reboots ever written, if only more franchises were treated with this level of love and care
A must play

(Series X/1440p/60fps)

One of the better non-Fromsoft soulslikes. Beautiful artstyle, great soundtrack and solid combat. The shell system, style and platforming makes it different enough from traditional souls to deserve a playthrough.

I'd highly advice to never turn on any accesibility setting to get the full experience as intended. It's worth it. It's the easiest souls I've played, which is not a bad thing.

It's not perfect tho. Sometimes hitboxes are goofy and the electric hammer enemy was dogshit. I was going to give it a 9 but there was a section so terrible in The Fathoms (the one with the guardians from Breath of the Wild) it made me remove a point, so 8 it is. Finally, there's an annoying amount of surfaces where it looks like you can stand on but end up sliding off the map. Really frustrating for what's essentially a 3D platformer.

Still, the good outweighs the bad, I think its a great game and hope Aggro Crab makes a sequel where they polish up the systems and mechanics, it could be really amazing.

(Series X/4K/60fps)

I get why people don't like this game. However, those people are wrong. It slaps.

(Series X/1080p/60fps)

You know, I used to be one of this game's biggest haters. I love classic Splinter Cell like no one else, so seeing the gameplay being buchered like this was painful. However, once you accept this isn't an actual Splinter Cell game, you realize there's a pretty good actiong game underneath. Graphics and setting still hold up (as with every game in the franchise) and the mark and execute system is fucking awesome no matter how you look at it.

Also, last time I tried to play it I hadn't played Double Agent, so I didn't really care about the story. Now that I did I can see it's a pretty good continuation. Double Agent ends with things going to hell so it makes sense this game does things the way it does.

That said, I still think it's the weakest of the franchise. I replay the original trilogy like once a year, but I don't really feel like replaying this one, like, ever.

(Series X/4K/30fps)