Mario gets eviscerated by a black hole

Still holds up, once you realize you don't actually need to do the needless machines and get the time stones for the good ending, the "confusing" level designs becomes 100x more tolerable since you just gotta play the game normally like a sonic game: 50 rings for special level & get all time stones

Wacky workbench is still a pretty iffy level, but even then, these are still really fun levels that you can breeze through just like any other sonic game.

Aside from all of that, this is still a really fun game through and though.

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What the hell were they cooking man. This update leaves me with so many questions on what they were designing/thinking with everything in this, from the characters being heavily limited in their moveset outside of movement, to the baffling "puzzles" that become optional with how broken some moves like the cyclone and infinite glide, to the wild influx in difficulty, ranging from hard to outright bullshit.

The saving grace is that the music is pretty good, albeit not the most memorable for some, nor really screaming Sonic like previous entries. The new final boss would be cool, if the game telegraphed on what to do in order to beat it, leaving to a frustrating trial and error that only adds more flame to this garbage fire of an update. Just, wow.

Oatchi the GOAT, This game is certified banger, a real fun mix of engaging and challenging gameplay for both new and veteren players. real good length too, it had my freetime in the ropes

BTS is definitely a game that shows its age, especially getting to the later end of the game, but aside that, is a great game nonetheless, with phenomenal music that too this day amazed me.
I can't wait to check out ATS, especially the DX version.

Fucking Peak, as you climb the peak, ontop the peak, where you witness peak, with peak climbers!!

it was fun and games till sky canyon came around, CURSE YOU DIMPS!

Its definitely a Wario Game, Aside from the glaring graphics from the Virtual Boy, its actually a pretty decent entry in the Wario Land series.

Man what a fun Pokémon romhack, so much charm and love to Vinesauce and the streamers alike, chalk-full of references jokes and callbacks from the history of Vinesauce.

But, Holy FUCK was this a surprisingly difficult game, some of the most difficult Pokémon experience I've played. Granted, it was a needed change of pace since pokemon is a fairly easy game to grasp, but with all of the additional moves, abilities, items, etc. added, it makes the game more frustrating than fun, especially the latter half were you can easily get sweeped by.

So this was something, Sonic superstars is a game where its highs were pretty high, but its lows were reaching frustrating levels of low.

Lets get the elephant out the room, the Music and bosses were super mixed, bosses especially. Some of the early level music are really good, even some new favorites of mine, but my GOD, did Jun absolutely sabotaged this OST, probably the worst I've heard from him since Sonic 4. And the bosses, man... most either felt way too gimmicky, confusing, or go on for WAYYY too long due to the bosses having insane invincibility frames or going back and forth from thr player's reach.

What I will say is most of the levels are really fun and well designed, with only a few stinkers, but some levels that suffer with only having one act that leaves me more disappointed than anything.

Overall, a pretty solid entry in the 2d sonic games, nothing really stood out or left an impact after playing, and it was nice to play a good sonic game in the end (even if the final boss wanted me to tear my hair out & thr Jun Tracks wanting me to break his Yamaha keyboard)

Smooth as silk, with a nice, short playtime

Man what a amazing amount of content...wasted on Tour...