What a doozy, a fun game that has a lot going on that could easily confuse players. Megaman X5 is a bit of a drop from X4, but still keeps up with its challenging level design and bosses. The bosses this time however were a mix bag, ranging from piss easy, to full on damage sponges with insta-kills. Overall pretty ight, but I don't see myself playing this entry again.

it was fun and games till sky canyon came around, CURSE YOU DIMPS!

Man what a fun Pokémon romhack, so much charm and love to Vinesauce and the streamers alike, chalk-full of references jokes and callbacks from the history of Vinesauce.

But, Holy FUCK was this a surprisingly difficult game, some of the most difficult Pokémon experience I've played. Granted, it was a needed change of pace since pokemon is a fairly easy game to grasp, but with all of the additional moves, abilities, items, etc. added, it makes the game more frustrating than fun, especially the latter half were you can easily get sweeped by.

Engineering & Architect master degree required to beat this

Lets be fucking real, this game is literally just a poorly made line puzzle game you see in the google play store. Ain't nothing special, KEEP LOOKING

Hope you like death pits, and club music!

Easy ass RPG, but god damn is it FUN

Great Game, but gets a bit repetitive fairly soon

Ankles broken by a fucking Dynamite, yet I clapped Robotnik (he was about to clap me back, do not underestimate this game)

Now THIS, is peak! a grand return to the classic gameplay of Sonic, with so much more beauty to it. Such a fun time, though it kinda dropped the ball with encore mode, regardless, still a great time.

Great game, what the hell are these bosses

Need I say more, its Kirby BITCH!