Mini Golf with friends is a fun time until things get chaotic, then it gets better

This game really makes you feel like a burger

Utter chaos, I watched Samurai Goroh die ten times on Death Wind

Holy shit, this was a real fun game to play, the levels were hella creative, music is a banger, and some of the new stuff like the shields were a blast to play. I may shake my head a bit in terms of the bosses, especially the final bosses, but outside that, this was a blast to play!

For Spyro 1: Really fun and rewarding game, it feels like a chill Nitro Pepsi with how smooth it is to 100% it. Highly recommended, its a great time!

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What the hell were they cooking man. This update leaves me with so many questions on what they were designing/thinking with everything in this, from the characters being heavily limited in their moveset outside of movement, to the baffling "puzzles" that become optional with how broken some moves like the cyclone and infinite glide, to the wild influx in difficulty, ranging from hard to outright bullshit.

The saving grace is that the music is pretty good, albeit not the most memorable for some, nor really screaming Sonic like previous entries. The new final boss would be cool, if the game telegraphed on what to do in order to beat it, leaving to a frustrating trial and error that only adds more flame to this garbage fire of an update. Just, wow.

Fun, charming game with loads of weird, wacky, and someone explicit stuff that makes it standout, but by GOD was this game brutal AF. Considering it was an arcade game, this was definitely a quarter muncher of a game.

No kidding, one of the best in the series, a wonderful experience through in through, with lovable characters, story, and just the right amount of fun and challenging in its gameplay.

The new additions are a good welcome, with the extra party members adding their own spice into the game. though slow at times, and a bit vague with its guiding, over that hurdle is a fantastic RPG

despite the fucked up music, and the levels being slightly different, its still a great time with Super Mario World

That was beautiful, a well told story through and through, with some fun and heart breaking parts throughout.

Probably one of my favorite RPG mechanics so far that's utilized in a fun, but challenging way that keeps things smooth and easy to grasp. While the later half of the game gets evil with some of its bosses and enemies, I never really felt like I was road blocked since its moreso trial and error, as well as proper planning and grinding that was the key to getting though the game.

All in all, an amazing FF and RPG game as a whole.!

This was a mistake to finish, but It was like the goblin mask calling out to me to finish. This game is a hot mess of garbage

Fucking Peak, as you climb the peak, ontop the peak, where you witness peak, with peak climbers!!

Played it again during a friend's marathon and so far my thoughts still stand, but more experienced now. The game's control can be a hassle to master, with little mistakes or errors being detrimental to the race. On top of that, the Cpu can be brutal as hell with rubberbanding up the ass.

If you can manage bypassing that, its actually a real solid game that can be fun as hell with friends.

Oatchi the GOAT, This game is certified banger, a real fun mix of engaging and challenging gameplay for both new and veteren players. real good length too, it had my freetime in the ropes