What a depressing 15th anniversary

BTS walked so ATS can blast through with Sonic Speed! A massive improvement from BTS as well as more banging music and levels, though, despite that, it still shows its age with how buggy things can get. Still a great game and recommendation to play!

BTS is definitely a game that shows its age, especially getting to the later end of the game, but aside that, is a great game nonetheless, with phenomenal music that too this day amazed me.
I can't wait to check out ATS, especially the DX version.

Cortex Strikes back is definitely a worthwhile sequel to the original crash, with some of the flaws being fixed or improved from the first game, alongside adding more stuff to boot.
A fun, challenging game with some pretty cool secrets throughout,

its WARIO!! And its a fun, thrilling platformer that can be both short and sweet, or a good lenghty game if you aiming for 100%
A great game that definitely deserves more recognition

Pretty damn addictive, and fun too!
I didn't really expect so much mircotransations, but it isn't too bad for it to spoil my experience.

A Fun, solid sequel to this amazing series, this game is alright in both gameplay and story, and a good challenge too at some parts. While there were some slow sections that did drag on, and the final dungeon being a slog to get through, I still had a pretty fun time none less.

What a fresh remake of a game, The Og game was already great, so going into this, I knew its was gonna be a good experience. The new game modes were also great, albeit a bit short, but alas was a great new experience.

Some of the best level design I've seen from a Nintendo game, this game was a blast to play.


An alright sequel to a decent game, Wario Land 2 is a fun game to play, but it does get slow and odd at times. Still an alright time nothingless

Also wario refusing to die because he doesn't feel like it, that's badass

An excellent blend of fun, challenging & charm with a side of fast-paced excitement throughout. This game was well worth the wait.

Definitely a first game feel with this series, with it ironing out it ideas. A real fun & challenging game with some charm to it a bit. Wouldn't recommend 100%

I've played my fair share of Megaman games, and knew very well the challenge that comes with playing these games. Megaman & Bass is definitely a game that will bring forth the challenge in both its level design & bosses. The robot masters weren't all so bad, they had a good challenge for each of their level, but the King levels....those were simply just BS. If you like a good challenge that turns into torture soon after, this is the game for you (Don't play the GBA version)

What a dame good game, and a beautiful one at it as well. Gameplay was hella fun and I got invested in the story quite a bit.
Would absolutely recommend