I used my Dad's credit cart to buy this game unintentionally on the microsoft store

Solid, Sweet & short! This was such a charming and fun game with great music, gameplay, and characters. was leaning quite a bit on the difficult side with little hit points tied to a fairly big hitbox, especially with bosses. but it was overall a good challenge to an otherwise short and sweet game. really excited to check out the next game

They took a Movie where the entire concept was all about Video games and how they interlink with each other, turned that said movie into an actual video game brimming with ideas, and made it the most dogshit & dry ass game imaginable. How is that even possible

Post v2.2 log:
After some very, VERY much needed patches and changes, mainly with singleplayer and gameplay, Ring Racers went from a game I had mixed to negative thoughts will little praise, to a game I can finally feel satisfied playing without feeling cheated or punished.

Likewise, some notable issues, like certain tracks having questionable designs and Cpus, while nerfed, feel they still have the upper leg and will sporadically speed up way beyond your capabilites because the game said so.

Outside of that, while not perfect, I shall look forward to the future of this game, and the potential new content and updates it has in store

I hate this game, no kiddin'
I hate it and I love it, but in terms of the main bulk of it (single player, Grand Prix, Tutorial, etc.) it a massive middle fingers for those looking to have a fun time playing a proper single player racing game, especially since SRB2K lacked one besides time attack.

Cpus/Rivals cheat with frantic items, better boosts and rubberbanding up the ass, Tracks can range from being insanely fun, to straight up torture, yet this won't matter since Cpus will just cheat through the maps, making the experience even worse no matter how good they are. and the ranking system and points deducitons from retrying or failing to win a race is just demotivating. The icing on the cake is the many unlockables behind single player, including stuff like Online and Addons! (Who thought this was a good idea)

BUT, even with this being said, looking past...well, basically the entire package of the game, the "game" itself it actually really fun and the new mechanics are really fun to learn, only thing I'm not fond of is the trick system, which simultaneously, is kind meh AND is barely utilized in the tracks themselves, almost as if it was a last-minute addition to this badly mixed game.

I have hopes soon this game gets the updates and patches it needs to make the game fun, but till then...idk.

Gotta say, I was quite welcomed with this remake, turning a catastrophe of a game, into something that's quite enjoyable to play.
visually and music are spectacular, a pretty game through and through, and controls have definitely been refined to help counter the poor level design that the original game had. with new levels, revamped bosses, and some quality of life bits like infinite lives and quicker progression.

This is one hell of a glowup to the og, and I'm just astonished.

This is a game. yep, better than the first, but not by a long shot.
at least its shorter, at a tad bit more forgiving with items

Gotta say, I'm actually quite surprised with this entry of the series, both in gameplay and length. A Metroidvania-esque game is not what I was getting myself into with this, but boy was I pleasantly surprised. Well designed levels, a nice gameplay loop, and overall a really fun and ongoing game. Some enemy placements/dangers were a bit unfair & game can sometimes become a slog with trying to get back or to certain areas without hitting something. That, and while the hints for the game can be helpful, some are fairly cryptic, and going out of order is possible & can lead to all sorts of complications on where to go and such.

Overall, A really solid Wario Land game, probably one of my favs next to WL4 & World.

I'll be damned, what a fantastic game with a very interactive gameplay mechanic that adds a new spice to the game and keeps each playthrough interesting. Speaking of playthroughs, all three of the characters were each really fun to play through, especially Aqua since she was hella mobile and magic powerful. Terra & Ventus were also really fun to play, having their own challenges to boot as well.

Overall, another amazing entry through the series, yippee!!

Real talk tho, I never imagine having the same (if not, more) fun playing this game again with the Noise than the first time I played it. The Noise is such a chaotic fun character that, while having a different moveset and gimmicks that can make levels easier or harder, still flows extremely well through the well designed levels.

God what an amazing game that holds up a year later.

Penny's Big Breakaway! Its an incredible ride that was surprisingly challenging with its unique movement and tight level design. This game bouncing between being super rewarding when you get the hang of it, but also a bit punishing when you slip up or make a wrong turn. Bosses were so=so, definitely a low point, but they were still interesting in their own light

Music is a no brainer, bangers all arounds that not only fit the levels, but are also heavy earworms that I find myself humming outside from the game.

I have to address the elephant of the room, this game definitely felt a bit underbaked in some departments, and while the bugs and softlocks weren't too punishing, I can't deny that it was a by product of it being underbaked

Still, I really love this game, and I surely look forward to see more updates, patches, or content for this series in the future

Man. Fucking peak! Where do I even begin dude, this game is a goddamn masterpiece from start to finish with an in-depth story that really starts to connect the pieces from the previous entries in such a satisfying manner. and the gameplay, Oooohh the gameplay, I fucking loved every second of it, they rammed my boy up soooo much from the first game with a whole arsenal of moves, magic and much more with the Drives that keeps me on my toes ramping up combos and learning enemy and boss patterns. Speaking of, the bosses felt so refreshing from the first game, having a great sense of difficulty and challenge that despite breaking my ankles at times, only got me excited to go back and challenge them again.

I'm rambling at this point, this entry in this unmatched classic is nothing short of PEAK.

Kinda felt a bit underwhelmed playing thought this after Pirate's curse, its still a good game but it really lacks many of the enjoyment and adventure that the previous game has, ultimately cause the game to feel kinda mediocre at times. Also jesus christ the back tracking in the game is horrendous around this time, especially given the levels not really being all too fun to explore this time around.

Hell fucking yeah, this game is nothing short of RADICAL AWESOMENESS!!!
Everything about it kept me on the rush, with exciting (and rewarding) gameplay and head-banging music through and through

Such an amazing Experience overall!