What started as what I hoped would be a nice simple JRPG experience, quickly grew out of hand as the game just kept getting bigger and bigger without any terms of advancement in how it plays, never getting easier to sit through. It tries its best to stay compelling, the story is good, the characters are good, and the moral is nice even though they drop the ball hard on that point in the epilogue. For this game, I think it is one of those experiences where you could watch nothing but the cutscenes and playthroughs of side quests and you'll get everything you wanted. It as a gameplay experience goes on for much too long and even what you like about it will get crushed out of you as it goes on and on and on. I would feel better about this game and be way kinder to it if it wasn't just so intensely long

This is a very good game. However, it faces a huge roadblock in having two not so great cases. And the final case being such a chore to get through. However, if you are a huge fan of Columbo and Ace Attorney than this will be a treat for you. Miles also carries the plot so hard, we need to give him more credit

Mega Man goes the way of G Gundam to mixed results

The bosses here slap hard my dudes

I feel like this is the peak of this era in Megaman. It is sharp, easy to adapt, well designed, and has a lot of cool gimmicks and fun powers. This what you should expect from here till post 6

I like the level design of this game, but the bosses were just a chore and not too creative and Wily's castle here just dragged hard

We are still figuring stuff out, but I feel like here we are starting to better refine the look and feel of things

This is an alright base, but we can still do better later on in the series

A really fantastic game that is an absolute joy to play. However, I wish the core aspect of the game like the Sonic levels, Sonic's interactions with his friends, and revisiting the past were longer than it was... instead of being a mini-game bananza


This game survives because of it's well enough mixture of the two gaming genres it tries to replicate and its amazing exploration of its core concept. Just don't play this if you are looking to look smart cause it is "cerebral"

This game is a master class in aesthetics and attention to detail. Every single move, every single background, every single character scene says so much about whoever you choose to main. It's impossible not to form some attachment to this A-class roster. Learning these characters and mastering them is so rewarding. However, my man Slayer needed to be buffed hard

This is a great base to give us Accent Core, however, I appreciate the story more here. Feels like everyone had more things to do

Guilty Gears fans don't lie to yourselves, if you played this you are invested in these Alt Metal BDSM looking Mad Max Apocalypse Surviving loons

This game is smooth. Even if the story isn't entirely fleshed out for all characters. Even if the roster is small. Even if I can't main everyone well. This game plays like an absolute dream. Like you are floating on cloud 9. Anyone can pick up this game go wild son. Just pick the design that appeals to you the most and you'll work it out boy. Just don't get anti-aired by a raging storm

This game has so many layers to it. All of the parallels to Phoenix, the level of depth we see to the characters, the insight into their lives, the shock reveals; all of them come together to make the most exciting and strong plotline in Phoenix Wright history. Nearly all of the cases hit hard (with the exception of one notable dub), and it just feels so satisfying to finish up. By the end, you truly feel how long of a journey you've been on alongside the cast