The greatest villian in all of fiction graces this game.

And so the innuendo titles begin

The definition of first game syndrome.

Everything about it is amazing except the actual gameplay.

Madagascar the game tries to challenge the idea that a giraffe can easily turn into a helicopter, by using the famous giraffe melman as an example of a helicopter giraffe.

Oscar is my sleep paralysis demon.

Those crazy bastards did it, they somehow made peak even better!

They can never top green forest in terms of sonic music.

Can you please properly remaster it next time without falling down some stairs

Let me use both hands for telekinesis, I wanna make a puppet show.

A game I thought I wouldn't like, now it's heading up there as one of my favorite games of all time.

Definition of amazing gameplay, atrocious dialogue.

The start of Ethans mental amd physical abuse